It was favorite to be smacked on here but smoking gives me anxiety now smh
That’s awesome that you’re succeeding, we are in eerily similar situations, For the anxiety the exercise, meditation and having a support system around you to talk about the anxiety whenever you’re going through it helps a lot. Our brains are going to take awhile to adjust and keep reminding yourself that those feelings are not the real feelings and think about all the horrible experience that those chemicals put you through. Sorry if that sounded preachy, I find typing it out for myself makes it easier. You’re going to continue your success, it’s too important.
Thank you brotha i appreciate those words of encouragement. It’s hard rn tho bc i had an incident and have nerve damage so I need some sort of painkiller but so far I’ve been doing fine without. I can deal with the pain a bit so I’m not in dying need of em plus i don’t wanna get stuck in a cycle of being dependent on painkillers.
If im lurking then im sober but whenever im making a thread or actively posting in one im prolly high
Thank you brotha i appreciate those words of encouragement. It’s hard rn tho bc i had an incident and have nerve damage so I need some sort of painkiller but so far I’ve been doing fine without. I can deal with the pain a bit so I’m not in dying need of em plus i don’t wanna get stuck in a cycle of being dependent on painkillers.
That’s hard. Whatever you do, don’t let anything control you. You walk the dog, don’t let the dog walk you. And anything not prescribed will make everything worst, no matter what anyone tells you. DM me anytime if you want to chat, you got one person thinking about you.