Nice post op, no i do my best to do the things i have set for myself so ion feel like my day has been wasted..
Nice post op, no i do my best to do the things i have set for myself so ion feel like my day has been wasted..
Post to avy ratio off the charts
I pity those people and this reminded me of my favorite passage from the writings of Epictetus.
“How long will you wait before you demand the best of yourself, and trust reason to determine what is best? You have been introduced to the essential doctrines, and claim to understand them. So what kind of teacher are you waiting for that you delay putting these principles into practice until he comes?
You are a grown man already, not a child any more. If you remain careless and lazy, making excuse after excuse, fixing one day after another when you will finally take yourself in hand, your lack of progress will go unnoticed, and in the end you will have lived and died unenlightened.
Finally decide that you are an adult who is going to devote the rest of your life to making progress. Abide by what seems best as if it were an inviolable law. When faced with anything painful or pleasurable, anything bringing glory or disrepute, realize that the crisis is now, that the Olympics have started, and that waiting is no longer an option; that the chance for progress, to keep or lose, turns on the events of a single day.
That is how Socrates got to be the person he was, by depending on reason to meet his every challenge. You are not yet Socrates, but you can still live as if you want to be him.”
EDIT: I couldn't find my preferred translation online so I got my book out and transcribed it. So it may appear a little different now.
Got days where I definitely feel like I am waiting for something big to change my life.
However it is not like I am not successful at what I do it is just the constant feeling of not living up to your own potential that bothers me.