Never played origins. What about it makes it better than AK for you?
It’s just a more traditional Arkham game with good boss fights. I also enjoy the story more since it’s showing Batman at an earlier point in his career and doesn’t have the super obvious villain twist (AO still has an obvious twist but I think it’s handled better). Good game that I think gets treated unfairly just because it wasn’t developed by Rocksteady, you should try it out since you like the others.
Knight still clears almost every other super hero game
F*** origins, that s*** was buggy as hell even after the patches
F*** origins, that s*** was buggy as hell even after the patches
Could never finish it cause the game ALWAYS crashed around the 70 percent mark and I redid the whole game thrice to get there
Ive never played any of these Arkham games except for Knight, which I detested due to lack of good boss fights and Batmobile.. which one should should I cop?
Also which one is the one with the cool deathstroke fight?
Never played origins. What about it makes it better than AK for you?
It’s so goat. While the main 3 work as these big event one-off stories (one night in the asylum as the inmates take over, a locked off section of the city turned into arkham city, scarecrow taking over Gotham), Arkham Origins is just a fire ass Batman crime story. The city isn’t in a end of the world scenario, it’s just an early career night for Batman
It’s also set in the snow over Christmas which is unique. You break into Gotham City police building and fight cops because they don’t like Batman yet, you explore a snowy Christmas themed hotel. It has good boss fights. Gameplay wise though It’s basically an Arkham City reskin with a bigger map, cleaner graphics and some unique mechanics
Ive never played any of these Arkham games except for Knight, which I detested due to lack of good boss fights and Batmobile.. which one should should I cop?
Also which one is the one with the cool deathstroke fight?
You have to play the original Arkham asylum. It’s one of the best games ever made.
Idk what Arkham is which Ngl I thought they kept remastering the 1st one over and over
Everything being named Arkham doesn’t help.
Genuinely confused as to why the same people NUTTING about palworld and saying its the greatest game ever made, but simultaneously think suicide squad is uninspired?
Palworld is just a lazy run of the mill ARK Survival Evolved clone with assets stolen from Pokemon.
Suicide Squad is just a s***ty Gotham Knights, which was a s***ty The Avengers...which was already pretty s***.
Palworld is just a lazy run of the mill ARK Survival Evolved clone with assets stolen from Pokemon.
Suicide Squad is just a s***ty Gotham Knights, which was a s***ty The Avengers...which was already pretty s***.
Suicide Squad easily clears Gotham Knights
Suicide Squad easily clears Gotham Knights
They're both looter shooter live service mid.
Palworld is just a lazy run of the mill ARK Survival Evolved clone with assets stolen from Pokemon.
Suicide Squad is just a s***ty Gotham Knights, which was a s***ty The Avengers...which was already pretty s***.
Have you played it? Suicide squad is nothing like Gotham knights. It’s way more polished and the gameplay is actually fun.
Have you played it? Suicide squad is nothing like Gotham knights. It’s way more polished and the gameplay is actually fun.
Video games is the same b. The basic gameplay loop is the same as any looter shooter live service game of the last decade or so.
Only difference is Gotham Knights is more similar in gameplay to the Arkham games than Suicide Squad is. But they're more or less the same f***in game, with the same kinda run of the mill grindfest structure most live service games have these days.
Keep both.
Ive never played any of these Arkham games except for Knight, which I detested due to lack of good boss fights and Batmobile.. which one should should I cop?
Also which one is the one with the cool deathstroke fight?
Orgins is the one with the death stroke fight but i'd say just play them in order. You can play orgins first if you want though since it's the first Chronologically
Video games is the same b. The basic gameplay loop is the same as any looter shooter live service game of the last decade or so.
Only difference is Gotham Knights is more similar in gameplay to the Arkham games than Suicide Squad is. But they're more or less the same f***in game, with the same kinda run of the mill grindfest structure most live service games have these days.
Keep both.
They having a mid off
Video games is the same b. The basic gameplay loop is the same as any looter shooter live service game of the last decade or so.
Only difference is Gotham Knights is more similar in gameplay to the Arkham games than Suicide Squad is. But they're more or less the same f***in game, with the same kinda run of the mill grindfest structure most live service games have these days.
Keep both.
Fair enough
hilarious that every new dc game is s*** and then gets washed by a near decade old game
How is this s*** real man. Looks like a dream game someone mocked up on blender.
I mean, setting the game exclusively at night while it’s raining so every surface becomes glossy and reflective is a big part of it.
Combining that with the heavy usage of neon and you get the Blade Runner effect. S*** is just too powerful of an aesthetic.
Suicide squad was a good game. Ppl r just cry babies
I wouldn’t say it’s anything special but the way people act like it’s a complete dud is just crazy. It’s pretty competent as far as live service looter shooters go
It sucks that there’s no good way to play the Arkham series on next gen. The xbox version of asylum is locked at 45 fps for some reason and City has texture problems that eventually make you have to restart the game. You can’t even play Origins on a PS4 or PS5, and Knight on Xbox looks horrible at 900p on a 4k TV even with Auto HDR.
Rocksteady should patch them up or put out a new collection for some good press after the KTJL fiasco.
Suicide squad was a good game. Ppl r just cry babies
"good" you guys don't have to defend it just cause cry babies are kind of right
"good" you guys don't have to defend it just cause cry babies are kind of right
What if they just genuinely think it's good