been listening to Yves Tumor's new album a lot and i've come to realise its definitely my favourite he's put out. but also that its probably his most accessible work to date too.
it got me thinking about other artists who changed direction to make more accessible music than usual, then putting out what some people consider to be their best albums.
first example i can think of is Grimes - Art Angels, Grimes was always poppy but this is probably her most 'straightforward' pop album. and it slaps. easily the best thing she's done in my opinion.
people also always talk a lot about how Kendrick made a more radio-friendly album in DAMN, especially since his most recent release prior to that was untitled unmastered, which really couldn't be described in the same way at all. despite this some ppl praise it as his best album (altho i probably rate GKMC as his best)
what are some other examples of artists doing this?
see this that type of comment where i could see why they added the post deletion features
imma let you rock though
U referring to the leak? or self titled
Their best album is also their most accessible, Oracular Spectacular
congrats and LDA >>>
Genres are an outdated concept in 2020 imo
in op's case we are considering pop not a genre but an approach to songwriting
all his albums are pop though
yeezus aint pop music.
Skepta anyway if your in the UK. Attempted pop then came back to drop blacklisted