  • Jan 5

    why would you be mean to this

    to get into her pants duh

  • Bro I don’t get it with that guy. He embodies everything people should hate. And if he’s that awful of a person on camera, you can only imagine how terrible of a person he is to be around. Thinking he’s a monster alpha or some s***. Like deadass he should be hit with the crushing epiphany that the world would be better off with him dead. If he offed himself on those terms then I would have accepted him as a man. being fr

  • Smacked Voodoo

    You better off reading. Or talking to some b****es.

  • DJEA92

    "King Vons girl"

    No one gives af. That's the only reason anyone would know who she is

    this why rappers gotta denounce all sidehoes before they die.

    2pac is still dealing with this