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  • Nov 6, 2020

    I wanted to clean out my car so I stopped by this restaurant and used their dumpster.

    Mind you it's small loose item's, napkins bags etc.

    Then I see this old Asian lady pacing back in front of the door I already knew what was up. Then her family come out and say you can't use that and we'll call the cops.

    My god, over TINY amounts of trash, and they had to be dead as f*** to actually notice me. No customers having asses.

    I told them to f*** off, mans ended up calling the police but I doubt they'll even show up. I don't f*** with any 1st generation Chinese at all, PERIOD f***ing racist. Can't change my mind.

  • Nov 6, 2020

    Women be shoppin

  • Nov 6, 2020
    1 reply

    yea I wouldn't let you empty out your dirty ass car garbage in my garbage either bro. did you even ask them first? very disrespectful

    tiny amounts of trash? take it home and put it in your own garbage then beloved

  • Nov 6, 2020
    1 reply

    If you were white they would’ve came out kissing your feet

  • Nov 6, 2020
    2 replies

    I wanted to clean out my car so I stopped by this restaurant and used their dumpster.

    Mind you it's small loose item's, napkins bags etc.

    Then I see this old Asian lady pacing back in front of the door I already knew what was up. Then her family come out and say you can't use that and we'll call the cops.

    My god, over TINY amounts of trash, and they had to be dead as f*** to actually notice me. No customers having asses.

    I told them to f*** off, mans ended up calling the police but I doubt they'll even show up. I don't f*** with any 1st generation Chinese at all, PERIOD f***ing racist. Can't change my mind.

    deciding to become racist after your own experience of racism is a trip.

    that's probably why so many immigrants are racist themselves, as a f***ed up defense mechanism after they faced racism.

  • Nayuta 🐯
    Nov 6, 2020
    tomorrow volverse

    deciding to become racist after your own experience of racism is a trip.

    that's probably why so many immigrants are racist themselves, as a f***ed up defense mechanism after they faced racism.

    People just ignorant as hell

  • Nov 6, 2020

    If it makes you feel better a lot of other asians dont like chinese ppl either.

  • plants 🌻
    Nov 6, 2020

    yea I wouldn't let you empty out your dirty ass car garbage in my garbage either bro. did you even ask them first? very disrespectful

    tiny amounts of trash? take it home and put it in your own garbage then beloved

    this tbfh

  • Nov 6, 2020

    a business called the cops for me on this as well back in college

    i guess they have to pay for it or something? idk that’s what i was told

    but now that i’m older i get it i guess. i’d feel some type of way if i looked out my window and someone was throwing s*** in my garbage

    however, they could have just talked to you and not called the cops, especially for a small amount of garbage. that seems extreme

  • Nov 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Seems excessive but I think you’re not supposed to use business’ private trash disposal areas

  • Nov 6, 2020

    Well I won't use it no more.

  • Nov 6, 2020
    1 reply

    I wanted to clean out my car so I stopped by this restaurant and used their dumpster.

    Mind you it's small loose item's, napkins bags etc.

    Then I see this old Asian lady pacing back in front of the door I already knew what was up. Then her family come out and say you can't use that and we'll call the cops.

    My god, over TINY amounts of trash, and they had to be dead as f*** to actually notice me. No customers having asses.

    I told them to f*** off, mans ended up calling the police but I doubt they'll even show up. I don't f*** with any 1st generation Chinese at all, PERIOD f***ing racist. Can't change my mind.

    lol every race i think is like this 1st generation

  • Nov 6, 2020

    why didn't you just throw her in the dumpster

  • Nov 6, 2020

    Seems excessive but I think you’re not supposed to use business’ private trash disposal areas

    yeah couldn't they be liable for s*** you toss in there as well? i dont think its a race thing tbf

  • Nov 6, 2020
    1 reply
    tomorrow volverse

    deciding to become racist after your own experience of racism is a trip.

    that's probably why so many immigrants are racist themselves, as a f***ed up defense mechanism after they faced racism.

    They where already racist before hand smart guy. The hell you smoking.

    I go to beauty supply store, bum f*** Asian woman following me like a tick.

    I tried to play dumb and say "oh my had I didn't know" then he says "I could have you arrested for this" nigga f*** up

  • Lmao just throw trash on the street when no one is looking tf

  • Nov 6, 2020

    lol every race i think is like this 1st generation

    They all had heavy accents, only one of them could speak decent English, the rest had broken English at best.

  • Nov 6, 2020
    1 reply

    They where already racist before hand smart guy. The hell you smoking.

    I go to beauty supply store, bum f*** Asian woman following me like a tick.

    I tried to play dumb and say "oh my had I didn't know" then he says "I could have you arrested for this" nigga f*** up

    I was talking about you

  • Nov 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Calling the cops is super excessive but if that's the case then I'd just drive either elsewhere to throw away a little bit of trash or wait until I get back home.

    Not worth arguing over.

  • Nov 6, 2020

    op one of the worst posters on this site tbh

  • Nov 6, 2020

    Calling the cops is super excessive but if that's the case then I'd just drive either elsewhere to throw away a little bit of trash or wait until I get back home.

    Not worth arguing over.

    Been doing this s*** for a year, this the first time I did when they where open.

    Just going to throw s*** in there at night like I've always done

    Out of sight out of mind

  • Nov 6, 2020
    tomorrow volverse

    I was talking about you

    I know, I don't f***ing care. They don't f*** with me period I'm black, f*** them

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