TLOP musically isn’t his best but that whole era was so big you can’t talk about that period in time of hip hop without tlop and the merch and yeezy apparel etc
absolutely, TLOP was iconic as an era cuz of all that stuff. but I liked what someone else said itt about iconic and classic being different things, that's also how I see it. WTT is also iconic but musically not a classic album
I think it’s pretty weak for his standards but the hoopla around it, the merch, yeezy stuff, the tour, etc was inescapable and changed a lot of things in hip hop imo
Oh definitely I know what you mean lol
Surprised people aren't posting about Grad itt tbh
Some of the greatest rap singles ever are on that album
Some Kanye fans don't rate the album that highly
But it's one of the biggest rap albums ever ofc it's a classic lol
Is TLOP an iconic era more than a classic album though?
I think it’s a fantastic album and it’s top 5 for me in his discog
If we’re gonna nitpick, then yeah I don’t think it’s a classic. But I absolutely don’t wanna hear mfs tell me s*** like Views or American Gangster or other “well liked but no where near the best of that artists catalog” albums are classics
I don't even f*** with DAMN like that(prefer MMTBS actually) but DAMN literally checks off every single box in being a classic album lol.
As I told @op
You could make the argument that DAMN is a classic just based on commercial impact and how successful Kendrick was that year. However, quality wise I don’t think it quite reaches classic level.
I feel like the Drake albums that can't really be argued at all for classic is TML and More Life tbh and I love those
It's just hard to make a case for it lol like at all
More Life might be better than Views, but it don’t got the right narrative
absolutely, TLOP was iconic as an era cuz of all that stuff. but I liked what someone else said itt about iconic and classic being different things, that's also how I see it. WTT is also iconic but musically not a classic album
if you wanna make the distinction between iconic and classic i understand that
Some Kanye fans don't rate the album that highly
But it's one of the biggest rap albums ever ofc it's a classic lol
Still getting streamed to this day too
@simulacrum We including enquiring minds and Juicy vol 9 on the Three 6 classic list or nah
Some Kanye fans don't rate the album that highly
But it's one of the biggest rap albums ever ofc it's a classic lol
Bro I remember on KTT1 they used to say Grad was kanye’s worst album f***ing insane
I’d say drakes only classics are TC and NWTS
We're counting mixtapes too
listing tlop amongst those albums
TLOP ran 2016 alongside Views
Messy commercial release the only reason ppl deny it's classic status
Bro I remember on KTT1 they used to say Grad was kanye’s worst album f***ing insane
i remember that s***. it’s his most enduring album lol
I think it’s a fantastic album and it’s top 5 for me in his discog
If we’re gonna nitpick, then yeah I don’t think it’s a classic. But I absolutely don’t wanna hear mfs tell me s*** like Views or American Gangster or other “well liked but no where near the best of that artists catalog” albums are classics
Definitely agree about AG
I think TLOP and Views are the same situation where it's like either they both are or they both aren't tbh
yeah its my comfort music. I could just get high and listen to any of his tapes all day
Cloud Rap, Dirty South, and Vaporwave as we know them cease to exist without c&s. Bro made me want to learn how to DJ
i remember that s***. it’s his most enduring album lol
I got a 10 year old cousin who’s favorite Kanye songs are I wonder and Stronger lmao
It’s rap’s answer to Thriller
TLOP ran 2016 alongside Views
Messy commercial release the only reason ppl deny it's classic status
iconic moment undoubtedly, too much mid music on it to be a classic album. same with views
We're counting mixtapes too
mixtapes mean nothing to me tbh. Most mixtapes are forgotten so saying SFG is a classic tape don’t mean much. If you’re trying to equate it as a classic in general, I disagree
i wonder is an album cut non single and you cant scroll on iktok for three minutes and not hear it
Views is inconsistent for me, but people love that album
It’s like a 7.5-8/10 but it was a huge moment in 2016
TLOP, VIEWS and Coloring Book had a f***ing chokehold on the general public in 2016. And yes, I know Chance fell off and Coloring Book was too religious and preachy, but it’s undeniable how BIG that moment was for him. Chance was selling out arenas based off a mixtape.