  • For a while he lived 20 minutes down the road from where I live, he's a month older than my dad too. Ik this isnt about a personal connection with the dude, but since I heard about him when I was a kid I've looked up to him as a local hero who's fought against US Empire. Sad day but I hope all his work wasn't in vain

  • Dec 10, 2021


    None of these lame ass activists are going to say anything, they’re doing nothing but having the masses chasing ghosts and being mislead.

  • Dec 10, 2021

    He's a weirdo but he also exposed war crimes and has been victimized ever since

    Damn yeah I’m surprised he ain’t dead yet

  • Dec 10, 2021

    I mean I'd like to do a protest for this but it wont do s*** so

  • Dec 11, 2021
    Scratchin Mamba

    Liberals will always break the rules of liberal democracy when the outcome threatens their power.
