ASTROWORLD better highs, UTOPIA better overall but more snoozers
that makes no sense
fishing for likes goin crazy
anyway utopia mid afffffffffffffffffffffff
Too bad I can’t convert the amount of likes I’m getting cuz I would be eating
Travis needs to make his 808s n heartbreak instead
he’s been doing the yeezus influence thing for a minute now
modern jam
my eyes
i know
til futher notice
the only songs i return to
I don’t think Astro has a skippable song other than maybe butterfly effect due to over saturation
(Who what slander will not be tolerated)
even BITTSM better than pooptopia
Name a single song on Birds better than Thank God :word:
Astroworld was a moment in time. I could tell you exactly where I was what I was doing on first listen
Utopia just felt more like it came and went.
Hyaena vs Stargazing (Stargazing)
Thank God vs Carousel (Carousel)
Modern Jam vs Sicko Mode (Sicko Mode)
My Eyes vs RIP Screw (My Eyes)
God's Country vs Stop Trying to Be God (STTBG)
Sirens vs No Bystanders (No Bystanders)
Meltdown vs Skeletons (Skeletons)
FE!N vs Wake Up (FE!N)
Delresto vs 5% Tint (Delresto)
I Know? vs NC-17 (I Know ?)
Topia Twins vs Astrothunder (Astrothunder)
Circus Maximus vs Yosemite (Circus Maximus)
Parasail vs Can't Say (Can't Say)
Skitzo vs Who What? (Skitzo)
Lost Forever vs Butterfly Effect (Lost Forever)
Telekinesis vs Houstonfornication (Houstonfornication)
Til Further Notice vs Coffee Bean (Coffee Bean)
Astroworld barely wins 10-7
didn’t do Love or K-Pop to make room and neither would’ve won anyways but honestly I could go either way I guess
Take nav off Yosemite and it’s a sweep
Astro is much more concise and focused as a whole
Utopia felt more like a compilation album
Reduce music to words on paper and you’ll hate so much of it
even BITTSM better than pooptopia
Reduce music to words on paper and you’ll hate so much of it
Thank God clears
Thank God clears
I always thought sdp was overrated so I’ll agree