it probably really was isis-k. I dont see what's so difficult to believe about that.
Idk much about the situation but
Lmao it is kinda true. Isis is always like “nah it really was us this time man”
it probably really was isis-k. I dont see what's so difficult to believe about that.
it's 2024, people want to believe that it was whoever best goes along with their pre existing beliefs
Putin been doing this since the 90s
Doubt it was Putin this time, but he will for sure us it to reintroduce death penalty for terrorism (people are often charged for terrorism in political cases and Russia started doing it a lot in past year)
Mfs on twitter already talking about No Russian
Honestly the first thing i thought of
I know its a very real situation but these sort of attacks with such a blur on information really feels like Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex
it's 2024, people want to believe that it was whoever best goes along with their pre existing beliefs
Or people just arent that stupid anymore and are noticing a pattern
Or people just arent that stupid anymore and are noticing a pattern
People are stupider than ever man
what would Ukraine even gain from doing this
what would Ukraine even gain from doing this
Idk but politics sxn users told me it was them so it must be true
it's 2024, people want to believe that it was whoever best goes along with their pre existing beliefs
It’s also important to not ignore uncomfortable facts such as these
People are stupider than ever man
People are waking up to israel/US proxy terrorist groups
It’s also important to not ignore uncomfortable facts such as these
wall street journal did a whole story in 2021 about how the CIA trained ISIS members. we all know who's behind "islamic terrorism".
wall street journal did a whole story in 2021 about how the CIA trained ISIS members. we all know who's behind "islamic terrorism".
Same could be said for Osama almost, no? Didn’t they fund his revolution against the Russians back in the day?
I feel like Americans use and abuse the groups, fund them when it’s convenient, blast them when it’s not
what would Ukraine even gain from doing this
This is Mossad doing
Let me put it in layman terms
ISIS is sunni
Iran / Hizbullah is shia
Russia and Iran friendly
Muslims and the Zionists are beefing
The zionists are outnumbered so causing a rift between the muslims is necessary for the zionists to win.
So what does Mossad do. First they orchestrate bombing Soleimani's grave in Iran back in Jan Kill a 100 and “ ISIS “ claims the attack. Khamenei doesn’t really respond because Khamenei first needs green light from Putin to do anything these days — after this concert attack by “ISIS” unfortunately very soon we are going to see muslims bombing “ ISIS “ bases in other muslim countries which is exactly what the zionists want.
Same could be said for Osama almost, no? Didn’t they fund his revolution against the Russians back in the day?
I feel like Americans use and abuse the groups, fund them when it’s convenient, blast them when it’s not
That’s accurate
wall street journal did a whole story in 2021 about how the CIA trained ISIS members. we all know who's behind "islamic terrorism".
Well yeah Qatar is.
Terrorists shouldn’t harm citizens. If you need to air s*** out, atleast go after government officials.
People are stupider than ever man
We need all social media gone. It's honestly scary that we have created platforms for people to leave all critical thinking skills at the door like that clock sound app. We have all become objectively dumber the moment we let companies dictate that the truth is whatever gets the most Internet likes and engagement.
We need all social media gone. It's honestly scary that we have created platforms for people to leave all critical thinking skills at the door like that clock sound app. We have all become objectively dumber the moment we let companies dictate that the truth is whatever gets the most Internet likes and engagement.
The problem existed well before social media and smartphones. Television, radio, print media.
Maybe user generated content is the problem