they say all the men had big beards I wonder if it were Chechens but it's Ramadan so idk
I don’t think that terrorists actually care much about things like Ramadan
Obviously this is not the fault of the US but let’s not forget that paper trails lead us places
that is not "obvious" at all, actually
I don’t think that terrorists actually care much about things like Ramadan
It being Ramadan doesn’t prevent things like this from
Christian holidays prevent Christian violence and Jewish holidays do not prevent Jewish violence
that is not "obvious" at all, actually
You really think US is doing false flags in the heart of Russia
Isis the most likely culprit, from what Im reading
Russia killed 6 of their members in the past few weeks in one of its northern provinces
You really think US is doing false flags in the heart of Russia
More complicated than that
More complicated than that
Who could say, we simply don’t have the information yet. Occam’s razor would say Chechens
Who could say, we simply don’t have the information yet. Occam’s razor would say Chechens
I meant more so that if the US was behind it, it would be far more complicated than a No Russian scenario
Tenet vibes
Lowkey first thing I thought of when I saw the ppl in the concert hall
The State Department put out a warning to avoid large gatherings earlier this month, so whoever did this has probably been planning for some time
S*** is tragic no matter what, no need for political gotchas the moment it happens
Somehow she gonna blame the US
Bro this is crazy those blanks or rubber? That last guy in black hoodie ate all those shots and turned around to look at him?
US intelligence can be crazy sometimes. I wonder how they hear about this stuff and are able to issue warnings like this
Despite everything that goes on, the US & Russian agencies do collaborate in areas of shared interest like terrorism
"neo-nazis say 'it wasnt us, it was them'"
compelling stuff
Despite everything that goes on, the US & Russian agencies do collaborate in areas of shared interest like terrorism
Yeah but the US was also happily funding Al Qaeda groups to fight the Syrian government
Ukrainians better hope it wasn’t done by one of their own, or else I’ll give Putin an excuse for full mobilization
Isis the most likely culprit, from what Im reading
Russia killed 6 of their members in the past few weeks in one of its northern provinces
putting a pin in that
Ukrainians better hope it wasn’t done by one of their own, or else I’ll give Putin an excuse for full mobilization
Russians better hope not as well
Watched this like three times who were they shooting at ?
I honestly was thinking the same thing. That first dude that got dropped may have been security or someone trying to be a hero. I know they saying 40 people have been killed so they was obviously doing damage, but that video in OP looked like they was warning shots.