if anything, the most logical geopolitical path would be for russia to create internal crisis within the EU and allow its natural divisions to collapse itself
which it is doing pretty easily with this war, considering the US just forced them into an energy crisis to increase leverage while they bicker over the chances of a (truthfully nonexistent) russian invasion
Bill Clinton should've let the infant Russian Federation into the EU and NATO if it really cared about stability and protection of europe
but having enemies is more profitable
neo-nazis keep getting more bold all over eastern europe, s*** is tragic. prayers go out to the families.
This loser again
i'm not disagreeing with the fact that the US would go to war over europe.
but the US would go to war over europe for the sake of financial control over the continent
russia would never go to war over europe because it doesnt make any geopolitical sense
That’s an assumption you’re making and speculation
The US and Western Europe are very much allies
You’re far too cynical
… Further, we don’t know what Russia’s true intentions are
Again they have Germany rearming for the first time in 70 years
It’s an unknown not worth gambling on
Add Russia being pally pally with China, Iran and North Korea we don’t know how big this could get
A third world war is very much on the cards
And you want America to kick back cos of your tax dollars
That’s an assumption you’re making and speculation
The US and Western Europe are very much allies
You’re far too cynical
… Further, we don’t know what Russia’s true intentions are
Again they have Germany rearming for the first time in 70 years
It’s an unknown not worth gambling on
Add Russia being pally pally with China, Iran and North Korea we don’t know how big this could get
A third world war is very much on the cards
And you want America to kick back cos of your tax dollars
The US and Western Europe are not allies
There is a power balance and a dynamic based on that balance.
The US and Western Europe are not allies
There is a power balance and a dynamic based on that balance.
A mutually beneficial one
And if they’re really allies then let’s see Europe pull some weight
Sweden and Finland joining NATO, Germany rearming
The UK sending billions and weapons to Ukraine
Sweden and Finland joining NATO, Germany rearming
The UK sending billions and weapons to Ukraine
once again, there only seems to be more indication that Western Europe is preparing for a larger war and not Russia
once again, there only seems to be more indication that Western Europe is preparing for a larger war and not Russia
They’re doing all of this because of Russia…
They’re doing all of this because of Russia…
once again, why are we acting like russia is going to unleash some big bad war on Europe when its literally engaging in this conflict to re-establish a sphere of influence that the US penetrated?
The US is the fundamental catalyst for this instability
once again, why are we acting like russia is going to unleash some big bad war on Europe when its literally engaging in this conflict to re-establish a sphere of influence that the US penetrated?
The US is the fundamental catalyst for this instability
So what’s your point exactly?
So what’s your point exactly?
my point is that the US is the fundamental catalyst for the unreasonable amount of death and instability in global geopolitics
and i want my tax dollars to go to something better than powering this engine
that is what this convo was about
my point is that the US is the fundamental catalyst for the unreasonable amount of death and instability in global geopolitics
and i want my tax dollars to go to something better than powering this engine
that is what this convo was about
I’m with you now
You believe the US is manufacturing the instability in Europe for monetary gain
once again, why are we acting like russia is going to unleash some big bad war on Europe when its literally engaging in this conflict to re-establish a sphere of influence that the US penetrated?
The US is the fundamental catalyst for this instability
Man you are f***ing stupid
we invaded iraq and killed 2,000,000 civilians for no reason
we are funding a genocide in gaza for NO reason
we turned libya into an open air slave market for no reason
we left the dismantled soviet states to rot and starve for no reason
we ran millions of pounds of heroin out of a puppet govt in afghanistan for no reason
we are blockading cuba and starving the island for no reason
we enforced a military dictatorship in korea for no reason
we are rejecting peaceful coexistence with china for no reason
we let 2,000,000 americans die from covid for no reason
we have the highest prison population and prison labor rates on earth for no reason
we gunned down vietnamese villages for no reason
we are backing a military junta in pakistan for no reason
we willingly ruined peace plans in ukraine for no reason
we dropped more bombs on laos than germany for no reason
we are a greater evil
It's not for 'no reason' tho
Goddam this is insane
I’m with you now
You believe the US is manufacturing the instability in Europe for monetary gain
when they invaded my home country of afghanistan in 2001 and established a government under the guise of democracy, they built a puppet system that would funnel resources, labor, and land out of the nation and into their pockets while using the taliban as a boogeyman to deflect their interests
who's to say they didn't do the same thing in europe after world war 2, just much more elaborately and with much more cooperation from european opportunists, given their shared history and interests?
when the soviets fell, they had the opportunity to build a new system that didnt need to rely on the threat of an enemy because they could incorporate a capitalist russia. they instead chose to keep russia as a pariah and to continue down this path
i'd argue that the state dept in 2014 was filled with some ideologically poisoned idiot who ruined this stable, if not f***ed up system, by suggesting we f*** with russia.
we are seeing contradictions come to a head and it is the fault of our forefathers for being so shortsighted. men will die and it will be for money.
Somehow she gonna blame the US
The most likely party to be involved. Do you not agree?
when they invaded my home country of afghanistan in 2001 and established a government under the guise of democracy, they built a puppet system that would funnel resources, labor, and land out of the nation and into their pockets while using the taliban as a boogeyman to deflect their interests
who's to say they didn't do the same thing in europe after world war 2, just much more elaborately and with much more cooperation from european opportunists, given their shared history and interests?
when the soviets fell, they had the opportunity to build a new system that didnt need to rely on the threat of an enemy because they could incorporate a capitalist russia. they instead chose to keep russia as a pariah and to continue down this path
i'd argue that the state dept in 2014 was filled with some ideologically poisoned idiot who ruined this stable, if not f***ed up system, by suggesting we f*** with russia.
we are seeing contradictions come to a head and it is the fault of our forefathers for being so shortsighted. men will die and it will be for money.
Okay that’s an alternate view I’d be prepared to engage
Mine would obviously be Brit-centric and they’d never go into the depths of how America is the bad guy but you could well be right
Maybe i'm super dumb but what does ISIS have against Russia specifically?
Don't feel dumb because you not alone (and there a lot bigger reyards itt) but that is kinda stupid considering theyve been directly fighting them in Syria for years now
and also if you remember the mercenary group Wagner , now controlled by Russia directly, they're all through Africa in some cases fighting /commiting atrocity against Muslims, Islamists and IS