They killed Shadis? Thought they just beat him tf up
Zekes backstory made it the best ep of the season imo. You should check it out
Glad I didn’t skip it. In the manga, I don’t recall it being that long, but man - they REALLY hit the Ksaver-Zeke dynamic well.
They did well illustrating Grisha/Dina’s WOAT parenthood too
LMFAO they wrong for that ending
Perfect ending tbh
Right before they get to the s***s
Enough with the CGI lol Nothing in this season made it break the episodes. Plus the last three seasons didn’t have perfect CGI either. As long as they keep delivering the drama like they have been doing and hopefully time to make everything the best as possible. We’re on to part 2 where you have no idea what’s coming
I don't remember Pieck and Eren talking in chapter 116 though
That must be a anime only thing unless I missed something
I don't remember Pieck and Eren talking in chapter 116 though
That must be a anime only thing unless I missed something
u missed something
Loool after that ending there's nooooo way everyone is not gonna read the manga
And i think they did that on purpose
u missed something
I'm so confused
I gotta go back
I thought they walked in a room
She shot a nigga in the head and Eren didn't even see it coming
The f*** did I read
so what chapter am I starting on?
115. it's mostly this ep, but some pretty important stuff was rearranged and is missing from this ep, so definitely start with 115.
Loool after that ending there's nooooo way everyone is not gonna read the manga
And i think they did that on purpose
Well one of the points of a anime is to increase manga sales
115. it's mostly this ep, but some pretty important stuff was rearranged and is missing from this ep, so definitely start with 115.
thank you king
I'm so confused
I gotta go back
I thought they walked in a room
She shot a nigga in the head and Eren didn't even see it coming
The f*** did I read
same s*** happened with me, especially getting caught up. definitely didn't take my time reading through
same s*** happened with me, especially getting caught up. definitely didn't take my time reading through
I must of been zooming through that s*** lmfao
I was like when tf did this happen
Marley's plan to try to takedown Eren was stupid right there though
Could of easily got Pieck killed
Eren is on demon time right now
This whole thread gonna turn into the manga fam or what
Probably the smart move
Gonna be way too many spoilers from here and January
Pieck looked so gooooodddd
That’s what I call a whole budget used right
Funny thing about Pieck is that she was gonna be a dude at first
That's why she doesn't look anything like her Titan form
They definitely didn't use CGI in this episode though
Eren was 100% hand drawn
So was Porco
This was the best animated episode by far