elucidating artists
(dynamic thread I will expand on this)
We have a desire to know about the artist just enough and then create the image in our heads
A sense of mystery appeals to us
-Daft Punk wearing helmets everywhere they go
scarcity is aural
It’s like a dialectic of having to be mysterious and relatable but not show too much. Kendrick perfectly encapsulates this with his videos like compare the NLU.video to HitEmUp
that mysterious s*** doesn't work on tik tok brain society
Yeat has done 2 interviews ever and there’s almost no details about him out period
Plus carti
Adds to the allure
Prime example is Drake heading to IG after MTG talking bout
“If yall can find my daughter I will come work for yall!!”
next to Kendrick not saying a word on social the whole beef
Also literally no one knows who Shakespeare actually is and there is zero records of him actually living in the area it’s claimed he lived in, zero books owned by him found ANYWHERE after he died. He supposedly had the most extensive library of books known to man and yet not a crumb of any evidence of the dude ever existing has been found
Could do a whole thread on Shakespeare alone. Many have claimed he was an alter-ego of Sir Francis Bacon
They’re not being mysterious for the sake of being labeled that, they’re choosing how they’re being seen, how much of themselves they want to show and maintaining privacy or hiding insecurities.
Daft Punk wore different masks for a while to control their image and the mask evolved into the robot identity, plus they were inspired by other artists and media where identity was hidden.
HARRIS: What’s so interesting about that is you were this shadowed figure, and I feel like each passing year you’ve been slowly coming out of the shadow, so that now you’re no longer just The Weeknd, you’re on the cover of this magazine as Abel. Was it hard to take off the mask and step into the light?
TESFAYE: That’s very poetic. I wanted to be very calculated about how I wanted people to see me or hear my music. The initial reason I did that was I didn’t think I was marketable when I was younger, especially for R&B. I didn’t think I had the right look.
HARRIS: What was the right look in your mind? Because you’re a very attractive man.
TESFAYE: Oh, thank you. I think I’ve worked on it more now. Laughs The R&B look was very sexual back in the day. Obviously there were a lot of singers that didn’t have the conventional R&B look, but for me it was more of a personal thing. I liked getting an unbiased reaction from my music. People got to just judge me for the art, for the music I was putting out.
So it worked in my favor, and then it became a gimmick. No one else was doing it at the time, so it was a breath of fresh air. And then the mythology and the mystique of it ended up becoming as interesting as the music. I tried to ride that wave as much as I could. In the internet age it’s impossible, but I got a few years in.
Yeah but no
Travis we’ve seen photos of
Kanye we’ve seen photos of
New gen does interviews if you look properly
Daft Punk and Burial were the closest we got to truly ‘anonymous’ artists but that’s because they wanted the music to speak for them and didn’t necessarily want the fame imo
The ‘sense of mystery’ around artists is a f***ing corny concept
Yeat has done 2 interviews ever and there’s almost no details about him out period
Plus carti
and that's the reason yeat isn't a star
Yeah but no
Travis we’ve seen photos of
Kanye we’ve seen photos of
New gen does interviews if you look properly
Daft Punk and Burial were the closest we got to truly ‘anonymous’ artists but that’s because they wanted the music to speak for them and didn’t necessarily want the fame imo
The ‘sense of mystery’ around artists is a f***ing corny concept
There's a difference between "mystery" and "anonymity"
There's a difference between "mystery" and "anonymity"
Still nothing mysterious about who OP is referring to
Still nothing mysterious about who OP is referring to
Carti is the definition of mysterious
Yeat has done 2 interviews ever and there’s almost no details about him out period
Plus carti
there’s plenty s*** out bout yeat ya buffoon
It adds to you more if your s*** is objectively “good sounding”
Adds to the allure
Prime example is Drake heading to IG after MTG talking bout
“If yall can find my daughter I will come work for yall!!”
next to Kendrick not saying a word on social the whole beef
spesh ed example
this is what happens when artists are too open
https://twitter.com/rapmusic/status/1692562515064955287did that nigga eat his belly button lint, and while on live stage
remember when a whole maxwell album got buried because pitchfork writer invented some term like 'pb&r&b' and ppl fell for jmsn
Yeat has done 2 interviews ever and there’s almost no details about him out period
Plus carti
i found 5 different yeat interviews right away just by typing in yeat interview on google video search
and theres more if you search specifically on youtube or tiktok, also yeat does random ish on social media
tiktok era does not like mysterious nor diva stars - which is why most artists nowadays are active af on social media about "everyday" things
you dont need an interview to not be mysterious lol you just need to seem relatable or actualloy touchable which is what the current gen prefers - they dont care about old media nor industry politics
Yeat has done 2 interviews ever and there’s almost no details about him out period
Plus carti
Yeat is afraid of people learning he's not about that life
i found 5 different yeat interviews right away just by typing in yeat interview on google video search
and theres more if you search specifically on youtube or tiktok, also yeat does random ish on social media
tiktok era does not like mysterious nor diva stars - which is why most artists nowadays are active af on social media about "everyday" things
you dont need an interview to not be mysterious lol you just need to seem relatable or actualloy touchable which is what the current gen prefers - they dont care about old media nor industry politics
when yeat did 5 different interviews i was there