God I hope James Cameron lives to finish the franchise
New concept art
Funny how it seem like there’s hardly any hype for this movie but we know damn well when it drops it’s gonna break records again lol
Same thing happened with the last one lol.
Funny how it seem like there’s hardly any hype for this movie but we know damn well when it drops it’s gonna break records again lol
Same thing happened with the last one lol.
Most people are unaware of this dropping in December, the trailer will be crazy
Catching this in the rare Dolby 3D again
U ain’t lying!
Dolby 3d hit crazy and avatar the only movie I seen them do it for.
My theory for Fire and Ash
The ash clan was wiped by that volcano because the ash clan started to technology evolve like humans which is against the laws of Eywa so she/it intervened with the volcano. That's why the ash people don't like eywa. That will be the big twist, Eywa is not all that it seems.
Let me cook
We taking to the skies this December!
Looks sick
Jake sully finna be the avatar by the end of this s***
if he even make it…
writing is on the wall
Could he use it for this or future Avatar movies maybe
Need some real innovators to do some 3d+neural network s*** im sick to death of these 2d noise generated images