he said the game is good but just said it’s only good and he complained pretty much saying it’s not like obsidian other games
matty jusr a complainer when it comes to reviews still great in any other video type
this dude is really the only review i care about and he is very positive : played the game 4 different times already
I def noticed a trend of him not being happy with s*** no matter what it is
Finna peep the review in a bit
I def noticed a trend of him not being happy with s*** no matter what it is
Finna peep the review in a bit
fr i like dude a lot i love his retro rebound channel but man dude never enjoys games like him and luke stephen are always hating on games
Just haven’t been in the mood to play today fr other than making my character. I’m looking forward to playing at some point over the next few days tho
enjoying the a lot
the combat is really fun i’m currently using one of those magic books in one hand then a frost axe in the other killing everything no problem. Also this like spell that shouts is insanely powerful
one thing i’m not liking though is the voice thing its annoying af anytime i leave camp or talk to anyone it alway speaks
does NZ trick work for this cuz i was not supporting that early access garbage that's been pushed by the industry
i was having a lot of fun but i hit a road block i don’t have a purple weapon and i legit have to fight like 30 purple enemies but i keep dying and i ran past them and got to my objective just to have 10 random guys spawn
so i’ve played kingdom come the last couple days
i was having a lot of fun but i hit a road block i don’t have a purple weapon and i legit have to fight like 30 purple enemies but i keep dying and i ran past them and got to my objective just to have 10 random guys spawn
so i’ve played kingdom come the last couple days
I think I know what quest youre on lol
I think I know what quest youre on lol
it’s getting a heart or something like that