this midget ass mini van looking ass mf is not only annoying af but he got no talent. He fake asl too tf wrong with the industry. He done used everybody to get rich off of and kick them to the curb. He sucked the soul outta Akon and pain when they was hot and when they fell off he cut all ties, he did the same to ace after shawty toys r us watch malfunctioned, he used usher for one song when shawty was hot off love in the club and moving mountains. This whole decade he be riding drake. Shawty even used nipsey after manz passed away just for numbers smfh
op talking about mfs f***ing another man
Wym b
I think you meant “fuck with Khaled” not “fuck Khaled”
op talking about mfs f***ing another man
“He sucked the soul outta Akon and pain when they was hot...”
I think you meant “fuck with Khaled” not “fuck Khaled”
Word oh I see the mishap b
“He sucked the soul outta Akon and pain when they was hot...”
Op talking about Khaled like he the modern day superhead
Never seen Khaled switch up on anyone, I've always seen him as a very loyal guy
“he be riding Drake”
Op a white boy on the internet pretending to be black and tough but is mad at Khaled for doing what his ppl have done to black people for years
Never seen Khaled switch up on anyone, I've always seen him as a very loyal guy
Tf you on he don’t switch up he just cut them off for good like he ain’t even know them
Op a white boy on the internet pretending to be black and tough but is mad at Khaled for doing what his ppl have done to black people for years
Shawty if I show out issa problem wash yo mouth bro smh
Shawty if I show out issa problem wash yo mouth bro smh
See. Cactics. Just leave KTT and drink bleach bro.
Idk why but the op funny as f*** to me you ain't have to come at him that hard bro