She should've kept her braces on a little bit longer, not shaming, they're just still not completely aligned if that's what she was going for.
That left tooth longer than the right tooth
Why is azelia banks still famous? The only time her name comes up is when shes miserably s*** talking other people
Thread will somehow turn into socialism vs capitalism
and some discussion of the Big 3
So in hindsight, Joe Budden was right about Nicki being an addict?
Don't think that was ever in doubt lol, her using that is, addict is pure speculation
doing coke w nicki gotta be a nightmare
Bet she goes from laughing joking and flirting to loud aggressive/confrontational and paranoid within the 3rd line lmao. Pretty much hoe she rolls on queen radio
azaelia banks is an awful person tbh
she should be bullied but most of the game ignores her
Grown women harassing each other for publicity
Each other? Nicki didnt do anything to Azealia lmao