  • Feb 13

    'youre looking like food' is a cold ass insult

  • Feb 13
    1 reply
    p r o v i d e r

    lmao was waiting for the thread.


    Wtf goin on

  • Feb 13
    1 reply

    This is some jam


    what the f*** is this video

  • always loved these country visuals

  • BVL

    wait this s*** fire

    never let em tell you azealia banks ain't still making fire in the 2020s

  • Water Giver

    Wtf goin on


  • Why won’t this lady go away…

  • Feb 13
    1 reply
    Not here rn

    Azealia’s schizo posting game is untouched

    Top 5 schizophrenic posters oat for sure

    I think ye is over her tho

  • Feb 13
    2 replies

    Azealia has such an ugly spirit. She’s legit my least favorite type of person

    Whoever turned her into a bitter crone did a thorough ass job


    Whoever turned her into a bitter crone did a thorough ass job

    The industry no 🧢

  • Feb 13

    Someone needs to get Azealia on Club Shay Shay.


    Whoever turned her into a bitter crone did a thorough ass job

    They did some s*** to her but she's an ugly person still, guess it took that to unearth her own demons

    These threads are relevant when there's an agenda here

  • She a poster child for HALT mane. Cause rational thinking ppl dont move like her.

    It’s hard to feel sorry for her when she brings a lotta s*** on herself and she says a lot of VILE s*** but she been definitely having a decade long beef with the industry.

    And in all fairness, if the whole industry took my wave? Maybe I’d be a lil irrationally angry too.


    Top 5 schizophrenic posters oat for sure

    I think ye is over her tho

    Only thing ye has over azealia is reach imo

    Azealia is irrelevant but her actual schizo posts are so elite the things she says are so specific and mean

  • dingo

    what the f*** is this video

    maybe this how country music videos be more vibey than beyonce's new songs though it got a lil bop

  • Bobby_96

    Someone needs to get Azealia on Club Shay Shay.

    the only other one who can break Katts streaming #s along with Ye

  • Trap a holic

    sgp is a legend. please keep sgp and his mental in yr thoughts and prayers

    Dude needs to be in the same place they kept the nigga from 12 monkeys at

  • If SGP and Banks had a kid, it’d relocate to Germany and start the fourth reich, and I mean that as sincerely as possible

  • Feb 13

    thought we banned Azaelia banks threads due to her irrelevancy?