Well done bro, you can do math. The point is no one would be calling him mentally ill for saying something everyone agrees with. There's no correlation in the two things you said
Well done bro, you can do math. The point is no one would be calling him mentally ill for saying something everyone agrees with. There's no correlation in the two things you said
but also it literally just happened ye insta posts talk bout how stealin your collaborator's ideas is dumb n wrong n guess what the ye gotta take pills arguments came right back up so idk what u rly wanna say here
ps azealia sayin the same thing she jus tryn to pretend ye is the 1 stealing collaborators' ideas so if u say azealia spittin u literally agree w/ what ye was sayin too. the premises r the same. ye just had proof of the copied shoes and azealia literally did the meme LoL Death Grips argument dawg keep sayin she spittin
i kno u r but what am i headass
Don't be so hard on yourself we all have bad takes from time to time
Don't be so hard on yourself we all have bad takes from time to time
club penguin reply
club penguin reply
You seething cuz I agreed your example sucked sorry bruh
ur first good 1...in a while...
ur first good 1! in a while
Keep running bruh