The last time I heard her name related to music was 212 and thats over 10yrs ago.
The last time I heard her name in general was when she released her new b****.
How she not in the same realm of irrelevance as Trinidad James?
which is crazy cause who else was checking for her after 212 fizzled out
She calls her fans the f word all the time and they eat it up lmao
Ye like 5’7.
No he’s 5’5 with child bearing hips
I’m happy for her tho
Or I’m sorry that happened
A fake woke rant with no merit composed by a mentally challenged person
deadass if you typed this into one of those AI text generators, this what it would spit out
The two of them are madly in love with each other and will be married before the end of 2025
I’ve never seen anyone post music from her in the last ten years, only her IG posts
I be linking her s*** but I don't create threads
The music was and still is fire
I love Kanye but everything she said was valid
Not the death grips s***
Yeezus sounds nothing like death grips
Not the death grips s***
Yeezus sounds nothing like death grips
Can’t believe people still running with that meme
Her and SGP should do a podcast together. I’d 1000% tune in weekly and never stop
deadass if you typed this into one of those AI text generators, this what it would spit out
that doesn’t even make sense
Her and SGP should do a podcast together. I’d 1000% tune in weekly and never stop
Nah fr
Her and SGP should do a podcast together. I’d 1000% tune in weekly and never stop
Might as well give your local junkies a microphone and hear em talk
Where’s the lie? As much as I can’t stand her ass, everything she said about him is true. Especially the part about him needing white validation
Her and SGP should do a podcast together. I’d 1000% tune in weekly and never stop
It’d be the best podcast ever until they got in a fist fight
I’ve had this same idea but I realized they couldnt be in the same room
But them agreeing that they both don’t like someone would be the best content ever