Who remembers that nigga in g&g who had some weird black mold growing out his flesh light?
@Lawdie kaylin ๐๐๐
So once something dies of old age or natural causes, we should just cook it for food even if we loved it? What exactly are you getting from eating it
I get the moral arguments for being vegetarian/vegan but what's the argument if the animal died of natural causes? I never actually thought about this
Who remembers that nigga in g&g who had some weird black mold growing out his flesh light?
you a weirdo bruh
you dug up a cat, fam.
did not expect to enter this thread and end up in a trainspotting scene
Nah I am completely interested in why someone would do this fr, but how do you even know its for a ritual? If it is so be it its weird but to each their own
In her ig video it's heavily implied she's doing this for a ritual
The rose pot with the cross, the sticks (I think they are sticks) , the feathers, champagne,Chanel n5, I think I see money in there,+ she talks about how "she's got her ticket out of hell"
@Wonderful on vocaroo
In her ig video it's heavily implied she's doing this for a ritual
The rose pot with the cross, the sticks (I think they are sticks) , the feathers, champagne,Chanel n5, I think I see money in there,+ she talks about how "she's got her ticket out of hell"
Didn't see the video when I looked it up was just a picture of the bag the cat was in
So once something dies of old age or natural causes, we should just cook it for food even if we loved it? What exactly are you getting from eating it
Look man, I ain't gonna tell people what to do with their dead pets. People been taking their dead dogs to taxidermists and turning them into furniture for years. Yes it's weird but if that's how people like to keep their close animal companions alive in some way then aye more power to them. It ain't my business and I got no right to tell them what do to cause I don't own the animal. If they wanna eat the lil nigga then...I guess? Still weird, pretty gross, but if that's what they wanna do then really what am I gonna do about it? What right do I even have to tell them to not do that or stop them? It's their pet that's dead. It ain't my business
I get the moral arguments for being vegetarian/vegan but what's the argument if the animal died of natural causes? I never actually thought about this
Yeah we usually don't, we are too busy working and s*** to care about what we eat tbh. First off, lets say your dog died of natural causes, would you eat it then? They do eat dog meat in different areas of the world.
From my view, no matter what if an animal is dead and you eat it from anything, there's no respect there, especially when all those sources of nutrients that we get from them are from them consuming plants themselves. You are only consuming the body that holds the nutrients from the plants if that makes sense.
Interesting discussions happening in this thread...
These vocaroo's have me
Who remembers that nigga in g&g who had some weird black mold growing out his flesh light?