  • Aug 9, 2021
    1 reply

    atp rap is literally a fox news genre. s*** embarrassing.

  • Aug 9, 2021
    Smacked Voodoo

    S*** gay people were only just allowed to get married within the last decade lmao I think in 2016?

    To say gay people have more rights than Black people when same-sex marriage was only just legalized very recently, and gay people still have to fight in order to adopt children and even donate blood/plasma is a bit ridiculous

    Man just ignorance. Sounding like white folk mad that others are getting basic rights and just mad about it. Makes no sense to me.

  • Aug 9, 2021
    1 reply

    atp rap is literally a fox news genre. s*** embarrassing.

    No it is not lol calm down

  • Aug 9, 2021
    babylon sherm

    Finally I can get closure on this issue from Mr Perfect

  • Aug 9, 2021

    No it is not lol calm down

    this is page 5. time for hyperbole.

  • Aug 9, 2021
    1 reply

    Gotta respect @Bestowed for holding that bigot card proud ngl

    homophobic asf and 99.9% of everything you been saying in this thread is incorrect but I respect you for at least being wrong loudly.

    Good to know heroes like Bayard Rustin got blackballed and died for niggas like you lmao

  • Aug 9, 2021
    2 replies
    Saint Aquinas

    White people rioting because they were unemployed is not support and anti-trans laws aren't related to black people as a whole.

    Way to downplay one of the biggest pro-Black movements in history. Very Black power of you

    And I’m not sure what you mean by the second part, but anti-trans laws do affect the queer community as a whole

  • Aug 9, 2021
    1 reply

    Way to downplay one of the biggest pro-Black movements in history. Very Black power of you

    And I’m not sure what you mean by the second part, but anti-trans laws do affect the queer community as a whole

    That nigga the antithesis of anything “pro-black” don’t even bother engaging lol

  • Aug 9, 2021
    1 reply

    do y’all think most rappers are:

    1. anti-vax?
    2. anti gay?
    3. anti abortion (anti women)?
    4. pro god/religion?
    5. pro capitalism?

  • Aug 9, 2021

    That nigga the antithesis of anything “pro-black” don’t even bother engaging lol

    Thanks for the heads up

  • Aug 9, 2021
    1 reply

    pls just make your little escapist tunes and stfu atp

  • Aug 9, 2021
    1 reply

    Gotta respect @Bestowed for holding that bigot card proud ngl

    homophobic asf and 99.9% of everything you been saying in this thread is incorrect but I respect you for at least being wrong loudly.

    Good to know heroes like Bayard Rustin got blackballed and died for niggas like you lmao

    Don't call me outta my name nor look to misrepresent my character.

    You're using Caucasian buzz words to further divide this country and more importantly Black America.

    I specifically made a post about why hasn't Biden engaged in talks about receiving money for ALL OF US and yet you're on this bs.

    You can take your lil soft shoe talk else where b. Not havin it

  • Aug 9, 2021

    do y’all think most rappers are:

    1. anti-vax?
    2. anti gay?
    3. anti abortion (anti women)?
    4. pro god/religion?
    5. pro capitalism?

    Most African Americans were raised in a very white Eurocentric society that prioritizes all these things.

    Someone mentioned earlier “Africans look at homosexuality as a white thing” and you’d be suprised to find out there are records and pre-colonial traditions of homosexual and gender fluid activities within many different tribes within Africa.

  • Aug 9, 2021

    Way to downplay one of the biggest pro-Black movements in history. Very Black power of you

    And I’m not sure what you mean by the second part, but anti-trans laws do affect the queer community as a whole

    Im not downplaying anything. I'm pointing out riot people rioting because they are jobless isn't support for black people. If anything, it's downplaying the lack of support by pretending they actually cared. More black people in general have died since george floyd due to crime and there are other instances of police brutality since s*** has opened up and whites went back to work and yet the riots stopped. There's a clear reason for that: because they don't give a f*** about black people the way you claim they do.

    I'm saying an anti-trans law is not a law in support of black people as a whole. This means the law targets specific individuals. Not a race of people. That law didn't do s*** for 99% of black people

  • Aug 9, 2021

    Nah bro. It’s like not voting for Biden. Once you say you gay you automatically white forever.

  • Aug 9, 2021
    1 reply

    Don't call me outta my name nor look to misrepresent my character.

    You're using Caucasian buzz words to further divide this country and more importantly Black America.

    I specifically made a post about why hasn't Biden engaged in talks about receiving money for ALL OF US and yet you're on this bs.

    You can take your lil soft shoe talk else where b. Not havin it

    “Caucasian buzz words” i dont know what that means

  • Aug 9, 2021
    1 reply

    aren't there black people who are gay? Gay people are not separate from any race

    yall can just say white gay people have more rights and move on

    dude look my other response on the same page, i noted that i shoulda made the distinction between white gays and black gays

  • Aug 9, 2021
    1 reply

    pls just make your little escapist tunes and stfu atp

    what you mean by this?

  • Aug 9, 2021
    Smacked Voodoo

    There are grants/scholarships/etc for just about anything honestly.

    S*** I was getting a scholarship to school just for being a first generation West Indian man living in New York. Another scholarship I received was being a Black man living with depression/anxiety. I actually gotta grant going into HS for being a suicidal Black teenager.

    It's really a grant/scholarship for everybody you just gotta look lmao

    dude go look at the repartition of money when it comes to grants/scholarships/etc.

    you're gonna see that some groups are wildly overrepresented compared to their size or even their struggle in society lol

  • Aug 9, 2021

    what you mean by this?

    exactly what I said. we’re at a crucial moment in history in particular from a health and environmental POV. also from a sociopolitical POV, the right is growing more and more unhinged.

    I love my people but if you’re not keeping up with what’s going on in a real way, you really need to close your mouth and not make things worse by parroting ignorance, hate and division. esp when you are doing it with a total lack of awareness.

    the response to the dababy situation from black artists/entertainers has been disappointing.

    the lack of support for the vaccine from high profile black athletes/entertainers has been f***ing disappointing. black ppl are dying and meanwhile black athletes are tweeting the dumbest s*** right along with right wing pundits (who are all vaccinated.)

  • Aug 9, 2021
    2 replies

    “Caucasian buzz words” i dont know what that means

    Homophobic - laughable.
    Bigot. - absurd.

    If you're going to classify people at least do it correctly. You're hiding behind their words, doing their business. I'm pointing out how white america is politicizing certain parts of black america, for their benefit and our divide. You're internalizing it as someone attacking others within, that's not the case. I'm pointing out white america is prioritizing their benefits. From the woman down.

    Separate the house, done. Give them religions that don't pertain to them. Done. Promote separation within the homes. Done.

    Ensure the black woman that you can protect them. Done. Create campaigns ie Strong single moms, Strong black women etc. done. promote the lifestyle & its various nuances within music, sports, hollywood. done.

    Marginalized groups within, let's 'protect' them. Done.

    All of these actions are to strengthen WS most people aren't aware of it.

    Their help is done in vein. When we work together as people first, we benefit everyone. When we all work on code and pass legislation that benefits everyone, mf black society wins as a whole. The political term "Equality" has casued more divide and separation within Black Society.

  • Aug 9, 2021
    1 reply
    radiant child

    dude look my other response on the same page, i noted that i shoulda made the distinction between white gays and black gays

    you should delete or edit cause someone 3 hours later gonna respond like I did lol.

    gotcha though

  • Aug 9, 2021

    Minorities need to stick together not tear at each other. That said, him and Vezzo nice asf.

  • Aug 9, 2021

    Do you think he said anything wrong ?

    I feel like everyone gets more rights than black people at this point, but i also feel like you can’t compare sexuality to race anyway so it’s whatever it shouldn’t be a gay vs black thing it doesn’t make sense