I believe in them kinda
Gameplay doesn't look great but it's early af and they made one of the best games ever so still very hopeful
cant wait to actually play the game
the gameplay doesn't really have my interest but they made l4d.. so like.
intro to the alpha explains everything in the game
https://twitter.com/back4blood/status/1338656618477539329the gameplay looks better in this vid than the trailer they showed tbh
looks alright but tbh l4d always got stale fast, this doesn’t appear much different
intro to the alpha explains everything in the game
https://twitter.com/back4blood/status/1338656618477539329wowwww could be a lot of fun with that premise
man this studio really knows how to make one game huh
I would personally they did make one of the best zombie games ever
looks alright but tbh l4d always got stale fast, this doesn’t appear much different
L4D getting stale fast?
That’s CAP
L4D getting stale fast?
That’s CAP
not at all played l4d2 for a solid 6months before it became a chore
L4D getting stale fast?
That’s CAP
Man I played L4D2 for YEARS and most other players did too. He capping lmao
really not fun unless you use the card that disables sprint and increases movement speed and even then its still really rough
I think this looks fun