Ye will ask demna to leave balenciaga citing the culture or something like that
Demna likely will say no as he’s in a pretty coveted role rn w balenciaga
Ye will call Demna a Jew or something in an upcoming interview
Ye will ask demna to leave balenciaga citing the culture or something like that
Demna likely will say no as he’s in a pretty coveted role rn w balenciaga
Ye will call Demna a Jew or something in an upcoming interview
Biracial kids are so weird lol
For someone so desperate to be accepted by these white designers.. looks like the bridge is officially burned and there’s no returning.
Facts I think this is a pretty big deal.
He’s starting to isolate himself from the fashion industry that can not be a good look.
Facts I think this is a pretty big deal.
He’s starting to isolate himself from the fashion industry that can not be a good look.
he can send trends without that deal I don’t worry about him in fashion
This will end up affecting Balenci more than it’ll affect ye
Balenciaga’s target audience don’t even know who Kanye is.
People actually believing this will hurt Balenci more than Ye
Or that Demna would eave Balenci for Ye
get a grip lmao
This will end up affecting Balenci more than it’ll affect ye
Lol nobody cares about Kanye that much in the fashion industry
People actually believing this will hurt Balenci more than Ye
Or that Demna would eave Balenci for Ye
get a grip lmao
Some Kanye stans are dumb as hell
People actually believing this will hurt Balenci more than Ye
Or that Demna would eave Balenci for Ye
get a grip lmao
Facts literally been like the top 2 most popular fashion brand for the past two years
Facts literally been like the top 2 most popular fashion brand for the past two years
Ily bro but you wear coach and true religion jeans
spending the entire YEAR promoting a brand only wearing their clothes only for them to drop you
virgil got the last laugh
Ye will ask demna to leave balenciaga citing the culture or something like that
Demna likely will say no as he’s in a pretty coveted role rn w balenciaga
Ye will call Demna a Jew or something in an upcoming interview
spending the entire YEAR promoting a brand only wearing their clothes only for them to drop you
virgil got the last laugh
Ily bro but imagine watching another man for a whole year promoting something
But does this really matter tho, their partnership was pretty much done anyway
Facts literally been like the top 2 most popular fashion brand for the past two years
around the time they started being associated with kanye and Kim tbh
around the time they started being associated with kanye and Kim tbh
nah I was being conservative with the time period tbh
their big rise in popularity prolly started when the triple s & Bernie campaign inspired stuff dropped