  • Dec 3, 2022

    Nothing more conservative than accusing everyone of being pedophiles while also defending everything that liberals attack for questionable actions regarding children.

  • Dec 3, 2022

    Every industry that has access to kids, children are getting abused. From church to Hollywood to sports . It's why safeguarding so important
    Even beyond that most kids that get abused it's by someone known to the family.. most important people you can protect your kids from Is the people you know not a Balenciaga ad. World full of pedophiles and abusers, be more wary of your next door neighbour or creepy uncle than Hollywood. that's the cold reality of it.

  • Dec 4, 2022

    They did the campaign for clicks, then people are publicly outraged for clicks, people burning Balenciaga for clicks. We live in a dead world.