i am two months deep in my youtube homepage being full of family guy clips and compilations. dude i couldnt believe they almost convinced me this s*** isnt funny and family guy is cringe and whatever the hell we were on ten years ago. this is bar none the funniest cartoon of its type. the simpsons ride on being nostalgic and recognizable but family guy got jokes for days. futurama is amazing but kinda heady. south park is often hilarious but its cringe just as often, also a lot more dated. american dad and cleveland show are family guys kids. i like king of the hill more and its more down to earth but already we're in a different category with this one if you know what i mean
anyways i dare yall sit through a random compilation without at least once. all i can say is what it does it does best. and no i dont mean that every single joke lands and that its perfect tv or whatever. its more of a linkin park type situation; we loved it then hated it and now we love it again. also i dont count movies bc from what i gathered theyre absolutely horrible
Not even the funniest Seth MacFarlane show
i cant imagine knowing any more seth macfarlane shows ngl
i cant imagine knowing any more seth macfarlane shows ngl
American Dad has surpassed Family Guy in terms of actually being funny. Family Guy of course is the blueprint but the two shows deviated as far as being “little brother big brother” type many years ago (especially once AD hit TBS)
American Dad has surpassed Family Guy in terms of actually being funny. Family Guy of course is the blueprint but the two shows deviated as far as being “little brother big brother” type many years ago (especially once AD hit TBS)
Family Guy is way better than American Dad
Family Guy is way better than American Dad
You’re entitled to your own opinion but I disagree heavily. Family Guy has more years under its belt so I will consider that an advantage to AD not running as long but the show should’ve ended years ago as far as I’m concerned as a OG fan that literally used to stay up and watch it on adult swim when it was syndicated
You’re entitled to your own opinion but I disagree heavily. Family Guy has more years under its belt so I will consider that an advantage to AD not running as long but the show should’ve ended years ago as far as I’m concerned as a OG fan that literally used to stay up and watch it on adult swim when it was syndicated
I wanted to provoke a little but yeah I agree Family Guy fell off a decade or so ago. Still I enjoyed it more than American Dad could be simply the nostalgia and style. I do think Roger is funny tho.
American Dad has surpassed Family Guy in terms of actually being funny. Family Guy of course is the blueprint but the two shows deviated as far as being “little brother big brother” type many years ago (especially once AD hit TBS)
Prime American Dad is amazing
I wanted to provoke a little but yeah I agree Family Guy fell off a decade or so ago. Still I enjoyed it more than American Dad could be simply the nostalgia and style. I do think Roger is funny tho.
It’s actually a little humorous to me how The Simpsons and Family Guy both respectively had their sister shows that were assumed to be a clone but ended up standing on their own merit with a cult following
Family guy always been classic and funny af. People let that South Park episode (which was funny tbf) trick them
i am two months deep in my youtube homepage being full of family guy clips and compilations. dude i couldnt believe they almost convinced me this s*** isnt funny and family guy is cringe and whatever the hell we were on ten years ago. this is bar none the funniest cartoon of its type. the simpsons ride on being nostalgic and recognizable but family guy got jokes for days. futurama is amazing but kinda heady. south park is often hilarious but its cringe just as often, also a lot more dated. american dad and cleveland show are family guys kids. i like king of the hill more and its more down to earth but already we're in a different category with this one if you know what i mean
anyways i dare yall sit through a random compilation without at least once. all i can say is what it does it does best. and no i dont mean that every single joke lands and that its perfect tv or whatever. its more of a linkin park type situation; we loved it then hated it and now we love it again. also i dont count movies bc from what i gathered theyre absolutely horrible
bar for bar, your bar is in hell
the episode where Peter finds out he's black actually has a brilliant political insight. finding out that you have real culture and heritage, thats not some s*** you can just put back in a box and you really do feel the full weight of that responsibility on your shoulders.
It’s actually a little humorous to me how The Simpsons and Family Guy both respectively had their sister shows that were assumed to be a clone but ended up standing on their own merit with a cult following
I’m actually not sure if I’ll take Prime Simpsons or Futurama both are goated. I used to love Futurama (wish they haven’t tried to revive it).
Family guy always been classic and funny af. People let that South Park episode (which was funny tbf) trick them
South Park is even less consistent than Family Guy and has a bunch of unfunny episodes.
I do respect them for making The Book of Mormon though.
I’m actually not sure if I’ll take Prime Simpsons or Futurama both are goated. I used to love Futurama (wish they haven’t tried to revive it).
Facts the OG run could take on any five season stretch of any animated adult cartoon but the Simpsons are the grandfather of all these shows and that 90s run probably won’t ever be topped
Facts the OG run could take on any five season stretch of any animated adult cartoon but the Simpsons are the grandfather of all these shows and that 90s run probably won’t ever be topped
I want to say I lean into Prime Simpsons more bc it’s funnier but I was way more into Futurama when I was in high school
I think I’d recommend most of my friends Futurama over Simpsons
i cant imagine knowing any more seth macfarlane shows ngl
Roger is the only reason I watch American dad
king of the hill >
First 3 seasons are certified I had them b****es on UMD
Real as f*** had the dvds played the f*** out of them every night funny over 20 years later it’s still my go to night show with AD, The Simpsons and Futurama