I'll never forget going to San Francisco for a cut to a nigga that charged me $50 and f***ed up my hair, BAD. I was shocked, felt like I got hazed
I'll never forget going to San Francisco for a cut to a nigga that charged me $50 and f***ed up my hair, BAD. I was shocked, felt like I got hazed
Woulda robbed him
Woulda robbed him
Was genuinely shocked bro lol. And it was a little nigga too smfh
I had a fall out with my barber so I went on a strike and stopped cutting my hairb for 3 years. Then I got bored of long hair and started buzzing my hair myself for a coule years. Now it's growing again and I don't know what to do. I bet after 5 years the prices here skyrocketed too.
I pay as little as 13 euros per cut in Italy lmao what are those prices
Top tier barbers charge 20 euros max
I just get crew cuts all over these days 20 dollars
Then I let my hair grow for like 6 months and then shave off it again
I can promise you ain’t getting no b****es like that
Place I go to charges 29. I feel like a big baller when I slide the cashier (place has a cashier lmao) 40 and say keep the change
I had a fall out with my barber so I went on a strike and stopped cutting my hairb for 3 years. Then I got bored of long hair and started buzzing my hair myself for a coule years. Now it's growing again and I don't know what to do. I bet after 5 years the prices here skyrocketed too.
Everything gotta be political with you Frankie mans really destabilized and psyop’d his own barber in cold blood
Barbers in Atlanta went from $15-$25 in 2015 to anywhere from $50-$200 in 2021
Need to learn how to cut my s*** asap, but I can’t afford to cut any of these dreads off by mistake
Barbers in Atlanta went from $15-$25 in 2015 to anywhere from $50-$200 in 2021
Need to learn how to cut my s*** asap, but I can’t afford to cut any of these dreads off by mistake
Shoulda did a full head fam. Good luck.
The niggs tht f***ed my s*** up raised the prices to $35+tip. If he f*** it up again, imma beat his fat ass to death 😒
Barbers in Atlanta went from $15-$25 in 2015 to anywhere from $50-$200 in 2021
Need to learn how to cut my s*** asap, but I can’t afford to cut any of these dreads off by mistake
Barbers in Atlanta went from $15-$25 in 2015 to anywhere from $50-$200 in 2021
Need to learn how to cut my s*** asap, but I can’t afford to cut any of these dreads off by mistake
this is absurd wtf
The niggs tht f***ed my s*** up raised the prices to $35+tip. If he f*** it up again, imma beat his fat ass to death 😒
i wouldn’t even go back to him after that s*** but finding a new barber is tough 😭😭
i wouldn’t even go back to him after that s*** but finding a new barber is tough 😭😭
Yeah it’s hard finding another one round my area. I’m a forgiving person but if he f***s up again tomorrow it’s gonna be WAR 🤣
Yeah it’s hard finding another one round my area. I’m a forgiving person but if he f***s up again tomorrow it’s gonna be WAR 🤣
praying for you brother. check back in with us itt