If you don’t want your barber to raise his price then you just don’t want to see him win
Barber detected
I've been giving myself fades and it looks just as good as the barbers.
It's honestly not as hard as it seems. Just make sure you go to a barber and get a fade. Then once a week , retrace and trim the sides and back. Should make it much easier for you.
Looks fresh
he mispelled choice badly
If you want a man to spend an hour cutting your hair and making sure you are looking right and complaining about paying 45 or whatever you pay you just dont value that persons time and work. If your barber rushes and doesn't pay attention to detail, I can understand why you'd be upset. I think more barbers are waking tf up and realizing cutting 2 heads or so an hour at 10-20 bucks is insane.
What barber cutiing ya hair for an hour? 25 minutes TOPS gets the job done and I’ve never had any issues
What barber cutiing ya hair for an hour? 25 minutes TOPS gets the job done and I’ve never had any issues
i just know you go to great clips
I feel you but I realized that I’m really paying for the confidence, the female attention, and professional look. I still pay my barber $20. The $30 extra goes towards the benefits I receive
My father used to be a barber growing up so he's been cutting my hair for free ever since I was a younging
Gonna miss the day he cant cut my hair no more
I had a fall out with my barber so I went on a strike and stopped cutting my hairb for 3 years. Then I got bored of long hair and started buzzing my hair myself for a coule years. Now it's growing again and I don't know what to do. I bet after 5 years the prices here skyrocketed too.
Wtf did you do to your barber? Start schizo rants about Ayatollah Khomeini?
My barber raised his price to $90.
So I found another barber who only charges $25
My barber raised his price to $90.
So I found another barber who only charges $25
90 is wild for a cut wtf
I've been cutting my own hair for 7 years, barbers are a scam
I wanna learn to cut my own hair but calling em scam is bullshit
i pay 50 / 60 after tip i think for mine. straight scissor cut with some trimmer use. salon treatment with shampooing before cut. its nice. they offer me coffee and some liquor too. im okay paying for it, especially only getting cut once a month or so. if i was getting cut every other week no way i could afford it.
i do truly think their are good barbers out there for $20-25 but i think usually those are barbers that are just giving you a fade, which im not saying is easy, but it certainly is not asking the most.
my old barber used to charge 20 and mannn he never hooked me up how i wanted, always would take it too high up in the back, so i had to leave homie. sad too cause i followed him from one shop to the next, until he opened his own place. but mans wasnt cutting it, no pun intended, anymore