  • May 31, 2023
    1 reply

    They we’re supposed to get a few more seasons but Game of Thrones came out.

    wasn’t cause of got. they pivoted to vinyl which had same people behind it and then they just cancelled vinyl after one season. sucks

  • May 31, 2023
    2 replies

    this midwest c*** of a mother isn't making me like the show any more lmfao I hope she gets murdered

  • May 31, 2023

    wasn’t cause of got. they pivoted to vinyl which had same people behind it and then they just cancelled vinyl after one season. sucks

    It’s crazy that Vinyl had all that talent on board and still flopped

    The premiere was basically a Scorsese feature

  • May 31, 2023
    1 reply

    I dont really like s3 at all. just finished it but the writing feels off and the character arcs didnt make sense to me, especially barry's

    Barry’s arc makes perfect sense in s3 like so perfect I think they should’ve ended it there I mean he was gonna get caught eventually what did you want/expect to happen?

  • May 31, 2023

    Barry should've just killed everyone and then himself

  • May 31, 2023
    1 reply

    No for real though great ending.

    Great show.

    I wish I would've seen Barry kill some motherfuckers but Ig they prevented it to give him sort of his own redemption. He eventually did agree to turn himself in and then got what he deserved.

    I liked it much more than successions finale, which really just felt wrong on some levels, a bit cruel as well

  • May 31, 2023
    1 reply

    Barry’s arc makes perfect sense in s3 like so perfect I think they should’ve ended it there I mean he was gonna get caught eventually what did you want/expect to happen?

    no I mean for a lot of season 2 and 1 it seemed like he was trying to be as normal as possible, and that the hitman life was something he basically got pushed into doing while having ptsd from the war

    but then in s3 they kinda switched him up to be a full on abusive psycho. plus so many of the characters have 1D morality (killing is evil no matter what) with no deeper thought that its weird to have him interact with them

    like all those times they were like oh you killed an innocent man in war thats murder but it would have been fine had it been the right man, it gives like Hollywood conditioning, but I guess thats the point

  • May 31, 2023
    1 reply

    this show should have been 2 seasons

  • character and storylines/actions became too repetitive and played out

  • Jun 1, 2023

    I’m trying to figure out what went wrong this season and I think it has something to do with stakes. Before this season, we know that Barry wants to escape his life of crime, and we know he doesn’t want to get caught. That’s what’s propelling us forward. When he got caught, it’s like the balloon deflated. They get him to a place where he wants to kill Gene, but they never really commit to revenge as a throughline for the season. His motivation to put all his love into Sally fizzles out. Then he escapes, and his motivation is primarily protecting his son, but that didn’t really feel developed enough.

    Somewhere along the way this season, I just sort of stopped caring about the characters. It didn’t help that everyone was so isolated from one another. Especially everything involving NoHo Hank. It made things feel very cold and impersonal.

    completely agree with this, almost feels like there should have been another season before to really flesh out some of what transpired

  • Jun 1, 2023

    I liked this season quite a bit

    I love that they leaned in on the surrealism and the dark tones. Season 3 is what I consider the absolute peak of the show though

  • Jun 1, 2023
    Cosmic Warrior

    this show should have been 2 seasons


  • Jun 1, 2023
    1 reply

    this midwest c*** of a mother isn't making me like the show any more lmfao I hope she gets murdered

  • Keepthereceipt

    Gene not being in jail after that "intervention" rly doesnt make any sense other than to leave him at home so he can kill barry.

  • Jun 1, 2023
    2 replies
    Bo Ceephus

    No for real though great ending.

    Great show.

    I wish I would've seen Barry kill some motherfuckers but Ig they prevented it to give him sort of his own redemption. He eventually did agree to turn himself in and then got what he deserved.

    I liked it much more than successions finale, which really just felt wrong on some levels, a bit cruel as well

    Why not turn himself in to police or Jim moss . Like yes I get he viewed gene as a father figure but ehhhh

  • Jun 1, 2023

    Why not turn himself in to police or Jim moss . Like yes I get he viewed gene as a father figure but ehhhh

    Iirc he went to Gene looking for his family because Sally said she had been in contact with him then while there decided to turn himself in and asked them to call the cops

  • Jun 1, 2023
    1 reply

    Why not turn himself in to police or Jim moss . Like yes I get he viewed gene as a father figure but ehhhh

    He went to Gene's place looking for Sally and John not to turn himself in. He just mentioned it while there as something he was gonna do.

  • Jun 1, 2023
    1 reply

    no I mean for a lot of season 2 and 1 it seemed like he was trying to be as normal as possible, and that the hitman life was something he basically got pushed into doing while having ptsd from the war

    but then in s3 they kinda switched him up to be a full on abusive psycho. plus so many of the characters have 1D morality (killing is evil no matter what) with no deeper thought that its weird to have him interact with them

    like all those times they were like oh you killed an innocent man in war thats murder but it would have been fine had it been the right man, it gives like Hollywood conditioning, but I guess thats the point

    “trying to be as normal as possible” while being a f***ing hit man in Hollywood is not the same as actually being normal. that’s what, along with buried trauma from the war, we see the effects of on Barry’s psyche in s3.

    not like they pulled it out their ass or it didn’t make sense lol. that’s a completely understandable situation for someone’s mind to break in

  • Jun 1, 2023
    1 reply

    He went to Gene's place looking for Sally and John not to turn himself in. He just mentioned it while there as something he was gonna do.

    Him thinking sally was there was a little odd to me too but I’m like okay cook

  • Jun 1, 2023

    Sally survived

  • Jun 1, 2023

    this midwest c*** of a mother isn't making me like the show any more lmfao I hope she gets murdered

    Welcome to the coalition brother

  • HaroldsChicken

    Him thinking sally was there was a little odd to me too but I’m like okay cook

    Where would he go? I mean, Hank is dead. That leaves Gene. Maybe Moss. Dude was stressed out. I don't expect anyone to make rational decisions while stressed out so it fits imo

  • Jun 1, 2023

    reminded me of my mom a bit I hate ppl like that

  • Jun 1, 2023

    “trying to be as normal as possible” while being a f***ing hit man in Hollywood is not the same as actually being normal. that’s what, along with buried trauma from the war, we see the effects of on Barry’s psyche in s3.

    not like they pulled it out their ass or it didn’t make sense lol. that’s a completely understandable situation for someone’s mind to break in

    It didnt feel like that was where they were going in s1/2 though, so I wasnt expecting it by s3

  • Jun 1, 2023

    Finished this last night. Don't know how to feel about it tbh Was a contender for a GOAT show, but I just didn't like the direction the last season went in