Moss is not siding with Barry you f***ing morons holy s*** lmfao he killed the dude’s daughter
Lol that’s how I knew y’all weren’t paying attention to the series
There was a guy in here who said Jim would team up with Barry against Couiseneau and y'all jumped him. While neither side was right all the way . Y'all got to apologize to him
A few of us mentioned this happening
Good episode imo. Humor was strong in this one and they took strides to move the plot forward where you can see the end in sight
Gene storyline looking like it’ll wrap up with a tragic ending. Going to jail with his relationship with son completely over with
Barry vs Fuches final showdown
My prediction:
oh yeah he still won't be a good person at all that is not what I was getting at . Not literal redemption because saving sally and this boy we don't even believe is his son changes nothing
Why wouldn't it be his son
Good episode imo. Humor was strong in this one and they took strides to move the plot forward where you can see the end in sight
Gene storyline looking like it’ll wrap up with a tragic ending. Going to jail with his relationship with son completely over with
Barry vs Fuches final showdown
My prediction:
Hmm I would hope Barry kills fuches. Literally never being able to beat barry, and it would really bother him. Or he has a chance to kill him, but barry spares him, and fuches goes to jail again, now stuck having to live with that.
For noho, I think death would not be fulfilling. Need like a breakdown having to face the truth of what he did.
Not sure what to do with sally. She is already gone. Her life is a hell as is.
Barry, I imagine a rejection by the son. Or maybe barry saves them, and the son doesn't reject him outright, and barry takes that as a win, and is content w that in prison forever. Probably end w a acting class in jail or something.
I think Jim purposely let Barry leave to follow him and he will be involved in that final battle somehow
na this was not “Jim teaming up with Barry” like some of y’all said lmfao
don’t even act like any of that was half right cuz it was not at all
Good episode imo. Humor was strong in this one and they took strides to move the plot forward where you can see the end in sight
Gene storyline looking like it’ll wrap up with a tragic ending. Going to jail with his relationship with son completely over with
Barry vs Fuches final showdown
My prediction:
Fuches not gon kill Barry bro lol that would be pointless and bad writing
everyone expecting barry to go crazy but have we not gotten enough proof hes not the same guy anymore? feel like hes gnna get his ass kicked
everyone expecting barry to go crazy but have we not gotten enough proof hes not the same guy anymore? feel like hes gnna get his ass kicked
all he need is a gun
Glad I’m not the only one who was thrown off by Barry being able to free himself that easily
Like if this was any other show it would be forgivable but they have made a point of having rock solid writing up until this point
I wouldn't say rock solid writing as the seasons went on it got more outlandish and off the rails. Which was acceptable to a certain degree, but now it's a bit way too over the top. We'll see how they stick the landing, but personally enjoyed the other 3 seasons more.
Fuches not gon kill Barry bro lol that would be pointless and bad writing
Barry just escaped from Jim Moss
I think Jim purposely let Barry leave to follow him and he will be involved in that final battle somehow
Lol we trying to cope with the writing
Sally and "her" son have been held hostage and she doesnt even look at him let alone try to console him. i hate this b****.
Not her son .
I don't think they're gonna do another deus ex killing spree, and with Sally's delusions I think we might get a real tragedy and imagined consolation. Maybe. Crazy this show turned into this. I don't think there's been a better half hour prestige show.
That’s weird because I’m pretty sure I remember him telling someone he had a new one
yup he definitely told his son that
He fed him a frozen pot pie
I think it's already been well established that Barry and Sally aren't great parents
for a brief moment, i thought there really was going to be a mark wahlberg cameo
was anticipating it so hard
Glad I’m not the only one who was thrown off by Barry being able to free himself that easily
Like if this was any other show it would be forgivable but they have made a point of having rock solid writing up until this point
left the knife out so conveniently too