Moss believing couisenau runs the chechens over 250k vs everything else he has in front of him was just wild to me . When Barry said 250k I thought moss was going to be more “ that’s all you think her life was worth “ and less “ brain blast gene fell in love with my daughter then killer her because she knew the truth “ .
hopefully the idol lives up to our sunday nights
We gonna get to roast it and when The Weeknd gets cancelled you’re tickets will be cheaper
unless the plot twist is he’s still in the acting school & he created this character to live through because he wanted to escape his mundane existence.
They are all actors we will see everyone who died in finale
Moss believing couisenau runs the chechens over 250k vs everything else he has in front of him was just wild to me . When Barry said 250k I thought moss was going to be more “ that’s all you think her life was worth “ and less “ brain blast gene fell in love with my daughter then killer her because she knew the truth “ .
yea that was a foolish scene to me.
his son flipping on him too was too much.
how moss setup a plan that fast to trick couisenau too
but hey
yea that was a foolish scene to me.
his son flipping on him too was too much.
how moss setup a plan that fast to trick couisenau too
but hey
LMFAO as long as you see it too
unless the plot twist is he’s still in the acting school & he created this character to live through because he wanted to escape his mundane existence.
lol this actually very plausible
he'll definitely end up as the new Barry under Fuches
I could see a scene where Fuches taunts Barry and tells him he's gonna make his son just like him, then Barry goes ballistic and brutally murders Fuches
show definitely better as a binge tho.
feel like this season would make a lot more sense if you watched in one sitting
Moss believing couisenau runs the chechens over 250k vs everything else he has in front of him was just wild to me . When Barry said 250k I thought moss was going to be more “ that’s all you think her life was worth “ and less “ brain blast gene fell in love with my daughter then killer her because she knew the truth “ .
that's exactly what I was thinking when Barry mentioned the 250k
still works for me, though not really the route I was expecting that plot point to go lol
what even device was he using to do all that s***
Looked like it was just a VR headset but he must’ve d***ged Barry lol
Something can just be bad writing and out of character . I’m not asking for realism . You’ve waited 8 years + to kill a man you don’t have add to this level
He could've killed Barry back then. I think this beat is only necessary so we see Jim, who has represented justice and law and order despite being a vigilante, not only as a sadist for the black site style treatment of Barry but also as completely fallible in his conspiracy that Gene wanted his daughter to die. So him being fallible in leaving the scalpel there, the thing he carefully picked out to cause as much pain as possible, is fitting.
You could repurpose the time when Barry faints to have him scrounge together a more satisfying escape ig. It didn't impact my viewing at all. He's gotta leave the chair to service the story. It's perfunctory. To have him break out only to faint is more of a Barry set up and punchline/subversion way to do it. He's not Sherlock Holmes or w/e
Looked like it was just a VR headset but he must’ve d***ged Barry lol
I think it was d**** and sensory deprivation. Like when they put hoods over people's heads in Abu Ghraib.
incompetent freelance assassins is one thing, but how the f*** are govt destabilizing tier assassins getting dusted by rando excons
Finished this episode
So hank gonna hire Barry to kill fugues right?
they s*** all over genes redemption
In 30 minutes they kneecapped Gene, Jim, and made you feel bad for Barry again
for those wondering this is like a extended quasi easter egg.
if you didn’t know this song in the scene in the hideout compound
This singer’s life in this legendary band is like a character from Barry.
that is him singing and playing piano on this song , listen to that piano & organ break, he probably did that in one take straight through.
if you don’t have any ohio players lp’s you better get the anthology
But there’s a reason why he’s in Rock n Roll Hall of Fame
That’s what i can say about this song. also the loop on Ye’s No More Parties in LA is all from a Junie song and the humpty dance when you hear the vocal sample “Doooo me Baby” - they sampled J singing that adlib. So a lot of you already know this brilliant musician who was also a member of George Clinton’s Pfunk musical world
and then of course he was sampled on this classic Hov anthem -
He is also why George Clinton’s Funkadelic Not Just Knee Deep exists
“oh you can do it”
He gave the song life
That’s just a sidebar of that particular moment. Junie also was a crazy character - this photo demonstrates it This was his idea to use a bald female model for the album cover for this ohio players
and later he would use the bald head model for his first solo lp -
Okay, time to land this plane
here’s one more photo of this genius
One last thing before i end this post - he had perfect pitch and only needed to hear a song once & he could take it in his mind and the next day give you a tape or exactly what you thought couldn’t be reality - he turned it into reality. Which is how he recorded Not Just Knee Deep. ⬆️
RIP J man - he would’ve loved Barry 😎
In 30 minutes they kneecapped Gene, Jim, and made you feel bad for Barry again
moss was thinking about snipping his balls for a sec