says “I know people just say he uses his voice as an instrument but it’s more to it than that”
then goes on to list 3 ways he uses his voice as an instrument
says “I know people just say he uses his voice as an instrument but it’s more to it than that”
then goes on to list 3 ways he uses his voice as an instrument
Before I start, I wanna say that I am a big fan of Thug, but I'm not a blind "stan". I'm a big fan because he's objectively one of the most creative artists I've ever listened to.
I know a lot of people say things like "BRO he uses his voice like an instrument!!", but there's more to it than that.
I feel like more people need to get hip to how ridiculous Thug's layering is. Anyone who has ever tried to make a song knows how hard it is to do what he does.
! to 4:05 on "Can't Tell" when he layers FOUR vocal tracks on top of each other at one point
Some rappers try to do stuff that's similar to this, but Thug places these details in different parts of the mix, therefore, it's much easier for it to be recognized and sound clean.
His mix engineer at the time, Alex Tumay, is a beast, but Thug put in crazy work when laying this s*** down in the booth nonetheless.
4:00 on "Can't Tell" when he uses his voice as a downlifter/transition
2:24 on "Numbers" when he sits his voice at the back of the mix and uses it like a synth pad
The little "burr burr burr" at 2:40 on "Numbers" that sits perfectly in the low/mid area of the mix
These are just a few examples, man. You can literally listen to the "dark side" (only adlibs & background vox) of this album and be equally as entertained. Thug is incredible.
Can any other rapper do this? As far as I can tell, no other rapper can do this, and I'm not using that as a way to discredit any other artist.
I would love for someone to be on Thug's level. But for now, I'm listening to Barter 6 everyday and I feel like it'll stay that way until I've found every detail in his work.
Every song trash, with that shouldn’t even be on there