He sucks
If you believe so I guess
Flash was kinda goofy IMO.
But I liked the First IT. Im mixed on Andy. He might do really good or put out Mid/
Flash had some charm. Seemed pretty self aware imo
Blaming 100% Andy Muschietti for The Flash seems a lot for a movie that was in development hell for more than a decade, had 5 previous directors attached to it and God knows how many screenplays were made for it
Also the whole Ezra Miller situation
Trust Gunn to pick the right story and the talented person to write the screenplay to head it in the right direction.
i know it’s for time line purposes but it’s a missed opportunity to not include the reeves batman movies in the be dccu
i know it’s for time line purposes but it’s a missed opportunity to not include the reeves batman movies in the be dccu
Apparently it was Matt's choice according to Gunn so it seems that the original plan would of included Pattinson's Batman but Matt halted it
Apparently it was Matt's choice according to Gunn so it seems that the original plan would of included Pattinson's Batman but Matt halted it
https://twitter.com/TheBatmanFilm_/status/1735718243485004119ahhh interesting, thanks for the info
Flash had some charm. Seemed pretty self aware imo
I liked Flash. It was like a campy 90s/early 2000s superhero movie lol.
What is DC Studios cooking with the brave and the bold to hire John Logan to write it tho?
What is DC Studios cooking with the brave and the bold to hire John Logan to write it tho?
Blaming 100% Andy Muschietti for The Flash seems a lot for a movie that was in development hell for more than a decade, had 5 previous directors attached to it and God knows how many screenplays were made for it
Also the whole Ezra Miller situation
Trust Gunn to pick the right story and the talented person to write the screenplay to head it in the right direction.
I came in this topic to ask how much we blaming him for looking like s*** and stoey being all over the place and how much we blaming the studio for the constant reshoots and rewrites? Cuz I imagine that could have led to alot of the unfinished special effects that prolly got put on hold since unsure what was getting cut out/replaced etc not to mention the reshoots prolly caused alot of the sub plots to go unsolved (ex batman and supergirl staying dead due to reshot ending etc)
s***. i was hoping he forgot he was attached to this and we could all just pretend it never happened
I don't blame Andy for how Flash turned out.
Flash was in development for a decade. Ezra was cast in 2014, Flash movie didn't come out untill 2023. The Flash show went through like 9 seasons by that point.
Multiple directors and writers coming and going, studio rewrites, im not surprised it was a total mess and s*** show even though i enjoyed the movie.
I don't blame Andy for how Flash turned out.
Flash was in development for a decade. Ezra was cast in 2014, Flash movie didn't come out untill 2023. The Flash show went through like 9 seasons by that point.
Multiple directors and writers coming and going, studio rewrites, im not surprised it was a total mess and s*** show even though i enjoyed the movie.
I don’t care what no one says flash was not a bad movie at all. If the cgi was actually good and there was no Ezra controversy then it would be seen as one of the best DCEU films
I don’t care what no one says flash was not a bad movie at all. If the cgi was actually good and there was no Ezra controversy then it would be seen as one of the best DCEU films
How do you blow thru over 200 million dollars and still have cgi that bad and unfinished tho
Makes you wonder what got cut out and reshot
I don’t care what no one says flash was not a bad movie at all. If the cgi was actually good and there was no Ezra controversy then it would be seen as one of the best DCEU films
Even with all the troubles the movie went thru it had a surprising amount of heart
Batfleck’s suit was f***ing horrendous in the Flash film, but the Batman action scenes were dope so at least that’s a sign that we’ll get good action for this film