@FREE you know you f***ed up right?
In what sense old timer!
Gabrielle Dell’Otto DC #1000 variant
Need Damian to be wild af at first
If he don’t beat the brakes off Tim Drake just to prove a point keep him
Batman isn’t in the title of the movie @op
You got real hate in your heart with no avy
You got real hate in your heart with no avy
Just clarifying. How is that hate lmfao
Just clarifying. How is that hate lmfao
If thread title was just brand and the bold most people in tv and film would have to click every time to see what it was . Thread titles are about getting information of what it is but about being what it is .
If thread title was just brand and the bold most people in tv and film would have to click every time to see what it was . Thread titles are about getting information of what it is but about being what it is .
I understand that but just title it like
“ The Brave and the Bold | Batman Live action movie “
hope its good, not really sounding good off description tho. should've just figured out some work around to get pattinson in there, but w/e hopefully they make him like 40 or something so we don't need to spend the entire movie trying to figure out when exactly he had the kid
we really was so close to getting the batfleck solo again
Why’d u want that
Excited for this. The more Bat the better
Ngl I used to think the main issue with WB not doing that had to do with not wanting two Batmen at the same time.
Seems they just had beef with Cavill & Affleck lowkey
it gonna be fire when damian dies in live action and they dont bring him back in the lazarus pit tho
They're trying to have 3 live action Batman franchise's at once? sounds like they already f***ed up.
Two is already too much imo
They're trying to have 3 live action Batman franchise's at once? sounds like they already f***ed up.
Two is already too much imo
where’s the 3rd?
if brave and the bold can depict a father son relationship as good as god of war (2018) then we have an instant classic in our hands