Multiverse of Madness was all types of mid to me. Raimi might be washed. They need a new fresh young cat as director imo. No Andy or Sam
he didnt have creative freedom on there lmao its a marvel movie they hire directors for technicality only that movie was 25% raimi 75% comittee
it would have been nearly identical no matter who directed it imo
Kinda thinking about the elephant in the room which is that Aaron Pierre would be as good as Batman as he would be as John Stewart tbh but that ain’t ever happening
Kinda thinking about the elephant in the room which is that Aaron Pierre would be as good as Batman as he would be as John Stewart tbh but that ain’t ever happening
Honestly as good a time as any to do a black Batman. My only issue is I don’t personally like changing characters races just for diversity sake. Would prefer we just have our own characters
Honestly as good a time as any to do a black Batman. My only issue is I don’t personally like changing characters races just for diversity sake. Would prefer we just have our own characters
Wouldn’t be for diversity sake I genuinely believe he’s the best young actor for the job 😭
Wouldn’t be for diversity sake I genuinely believe he’s the best young actor for the job 😭
But tbh they definitely going much older than him, and since this DCU leaning towards comic accurate or whateva it’s not likely to do any major race swaps.
Batfleck solo soon
Josh Hartnett or Alan Ritchson
Batfleck solo soon
(This guy is part of the DCULeaks team so I’ll believe him over MTTSH)
James Gunn calls cap on DC Studios looking for a middle-aged Batman
Another MyTimeToLie L
I really want all these accounts to go away. Maybe one of them accidentally lies about something too spicy & gets sued or something and it brings down the whole scooper industrial complex
I really want all these accounts to go away. Maybe one of them accidentally lies about something too spicy & gets sued or something and it brings down the whole scooper industrial complex
Some of them have obviously lost their connections and refuse to bow out of the game so just resort to baiting people. You’re 100% right they make all scoopers look bad
James Gunn calls cap on DC Studios looking for a middle-aged Batman
So how old is he if damien wayne is around. If hes younger im assuming that maybe damien is the first robin then
How about we just do Pattinson and not have 2 Batmen running around
That Superman Legacy box office will do wonders for the paycheck lmao
How about we just do Pattinson and not have 2 Batmen running around
I like it honestly, i hope the dcu batman is more campy and outlandish and rob can stay the grounded and serious version
this is about to be so dogshit
That Superman Legacy box office will do wonders for the paycheck lmao
That billi break gonna hit and James is gonna come back around to Matt like
Director is ass so probably
thats exactly why I said that too