Battlefield 6, gta 6 and age of empires 4 are the only games i care about now or future. Everything else can f*** off
Battlefield 6, gta 6 and age of empires 4 are the only games i care about now or future. Everything else can f*** off
I’m telling u rn nobody cares
If the game pass rumor is true
probably is considering its most likely not on last-gen consoles
any of yall been reading the leaks from Tom Henderson?
S*** sounds crazy
hope its true tho
Been replaying bf4 s*** hittin
I tried replaying bf4 and it took me awhile to get used to the aim but I loved it. BATTLEFIELD is back
F u
was that one good?
Better than the last one yeah, but I think it depends if you enjoy world war 2 era guns
I don't enjoy WW2 shooters, but I have put sometime in a BFV on and off since it's release and I got a good amount of fun out of it
was that one good?
i have no idea fam
last one i played was bf1 and it was decent, but not as fun as a solo player tbh
more than willing to check it out for free tho
I tried replaying bf4 and it took me awhile to get used to the aim but I loved it. BATTLEFIELD is back
I got 225 hours in just wish servers had more dlc maps