  • Swishas

    This will be fire they def won’t make this mistake they did with 2042 truss

    People said the same thing after V

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  • Got passed the queue earlier and now I’m 288,000 f*** this

  • jave

    Operation Metro
    Operation Locker

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    so this is looking like a BF3 remake to me

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    slime wrld

    so this is looking like a BF3 remake to me

    crazy if true

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    crazy if true

    they calling it’s battlefield labs atm so it sounds like they bringing back classics could be totally off tho


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    looks like they got rid of that tactical sprint crap

    And wtf was wrong with it?

  • TsunamiPapi

    And wtf was wrong with it?

    thought the animation looks dumb and it felt like they ripped it straight from cod without much thought. Ig you could make the case that its function is to shorten the distances between objectives on the larger maps, like the desert one, but to me that seems more like a level design problem.

    Overall the whole movement system was a step backwards from 5 imo

  • Scatt


    It's a good game but severely overrated and is the start of the problems with BF

  • BF3 and BC2 still the best.
    BF3 is peak Battlefield.
    This looks like BF3 which makes me happy