My modded switch is about to eat
Can you still play online if it’s modded?
Switch hardware is woat
It was really bad at the beginning but its kinda gotten better, but still. This game deserves a console that will elevate it
It was really bad at the beginning but its kinda gotten better, but still. This game deserves a console that will elevate it
Yea it’s a shame that a successor hasn’t dropped by now cause this would’ve been a beautiful launch title
Switch hardware is woat
i don't believe it's the switch only. something about the art direction is just ugly.
i don't believe it's the switch only. something about the art direction is just ugly.
It’s always been a bit ugly I agree
youtube already showing me Bayo 3 ending videos havent even picked up the game from best buy yet
Never played one of these games. It’s a shame that Nintendo decided to not put the bundle on sale or I would’ve bought it. Oh well, gonna emulate them now
Never played one of these games. It’s a shame that Nintendo decided to not put the bundle on sale or I would’ve bought it. Oh well, gonna emulate them now
you were going to pirate it anyway lol
Not if it were on sale
although its not on sale, the digital bundle basically prices them at $30 each
the facial animation in this game is f***ing weird.
I kinda noticed that in the trailers tbh lol
Can you still play online if it’s modded?
My Switch got banned but pretty sure you can switch between Nintendo firmware and modded firmware if you wanna play online games that you've purchased
If you wanna play pirated games online then there's LAN servers for some games out there that won't cause you any bans (haven't tried)
although its not on sale, the digital bundle basically prices them at $30 each
$30 each for nearly decade old games is too much
I’d buy them for $20 each max
Also is @op dead? Need that update and title change
Copping this soon but it’s sad to hear this being limited by this weak ass console