hardest s*** i ever heard in my life
!https://youtu.be/QmFGynmuPp4man i love this movie
man i love this movie
this film is unhinged in the best way
i’m surprised the old ass elvis fans are able to watch this without passing out its fast as s***
this film is unhinged in the best way
i’m surprised the old ass elvis fans are able to watch this without passing out its fast as s***
They just complain about the rap music
hardest s*** i ever heard in my life
!https://youtu.be/QmFGynmuPp4The Backstreet Boys one is better
Hearing Nardo Wick and contemporary hip hop music took me out of the immersion Damn near cried at the end tho with that great cut to the live performance
Butler comes off as a cooler Elvis then Elvis tbh
Butler comes off as a cooler Elvis then Elvis tbh
Was thinking this aswell lmao
Bruh the colonel is such a despicable character I wanna fight this dude
Butler comes off as a cooler Elvis then Elvis tbh
i was disappointed when the movie ended and i remembered he wasn’t the real elvis
i was disappointed when the movie ended and i remembered he wasn’t the real elvis
i dont like cutting to the real elvis footage. like i get you like the guy you made a movie about him lol. but it glorifies the showbiz angle and tries to whitewash his image as "just a poor boy with a song in his heart" instead of the complex figure the ending was pointing to.
i dont like cutting to the real elvis footage. like i get you like the guy you made a movie about him lol. but it glorifies the showbiz angle and tries to whitewash his image as "just a poor boy with a song in his heart" instead of the complex figure the ending was pointing to.
His image still needed a white washing for the hip hop generation after Chuck D's remarks on Fight The Power (which Chuck hinself backpedaled on after he did some actual research)
The earliest the director could see himself starting to work on the four-hour “Elvis” would be in 2025.
Damn 6 months to edit? How. Give it to some YouTubers or ig memers and they'll get that s*** done in a day