  • Dec 14, 2024
  • Dec 14, 2024
    2 replies

    what could’ve been….

  • Dec 14, 2024
    2 replies

    what could’ve been….

    I's crazy cuz I'm really sitting back rn thinking bout how ahead of his time he was with the beats, energy, and even his style/aesthetics.

    He was one generation of rap too early. He would flourish right now imo.

    Never seen this live:

    Feel like he got discouraged by the industry games, it's a shame really

    Being a "buzzing" or "upcoming" rapper in 2019 was a curse..a lot of GREAT artist got lost in that COVID storm

  • Dec 14, 2024

    I's crazy cuz I'm really sitting back rn thinking bout how ahead of his time he was with the beats, energy, and even his style/aesthetics.

    He was one generation of rap too early. He would flourish right now imo.

    Never seen this live:


    Feel like he got discouraged by the industry games, it's a shame really

    Being a "buzzing" or "upcoming" rapper in 2019 was a curse..a lot of GREAT artist got lost in that COVID storm

    This man made Vogue dude

    If he released that project now he'd be getting the Nine Vicious treatment right now but amplified by x10

    I think about this case study all the time

    Hearing someone fuse Lil B and Lil Flip together sonically in his Kodie Kardashian / Teen Icon / 2.23.19 days was something special to witness

    His ability to craft hooks with songs like Bad, as well as his insane production and sampling abilities (i.e. God Level Freestyle) are to this day unmatched

    Seeing him quit last year made my heart swell up; he deserved better; his music was too good to just be a one hit TikTok wonder with Milkshake

    I often wonder if his career would've turned out different if he decided to sign to Yachty in 2019/2020 when Yachty was keen on that. He could've blown up like Karrahboo but actually lasted and stayed around or worst case scenario turn out like Draftday, DC2Tril, or Camo but probably bigger

    It's absurd thinking about how much more rapid artists get the speedrun treatment looking at the past year; the music can be the most carbon copy reiteration of Thug like Studio Addict is, and it'll still get hype. Had Kodie broken out in 2023 he'd be on top of the world right now

    Everything from the Korelone video, his early DONT DIE shows, the self-made cover arts, the HOLLYWEEN show...all of that is so iconic to me. #justicefortheforgottenlate2010shoustonscene

  • Dec 14, 2024
    1 reply

    the lore of that houston wave is pretty fascinating too

    from Paris Aden being the one who shot the Her Loss cover; Suki Baby, HVN's ex being the Her Loss cover girl and going on to be the most successful out of that Houston wave; HVN signing to Zack Bia; Kodie being managed by Despot; Kodie having the Yachty co-sign fresh out of High School
    all those kids deserved the world

  • kainie 🌌
    Dec 14, 2024

    I's crazy cuz I'm really sitting back rn thinking bout how ahead of his time he was with the beats, energy, and even his style/aesthetics.

    He was one generation of rap too early. He would flourish right now imo.

    Never seen this live:


    Feel like he got discouraged by the industry games, it's a shame really

    Being a "buzzing" or "upcoming" rapper in 2019 was a curse..a lot of GREAT artist got lost in that COVID storm

    miss that era man, still has one of the most unique production i ever heard in the underground

  • Dec 15, 2024
    1 reply

    bro need to come back , he is too good

  • Dec 15, 2024

    the lore of that houston wave is pretty fascinating too

    from Paris Aden being the one who shot the Her Loss cover; Suki Baby, HVN's ex being the Her Loss cover girl and going on to be the most successful out of that Houston wave; HVN signing to Zack Bia; Kodie being managed by Despot; Kodie having the Yachty co-sign fresh out of High School
    all those kids deserved the world

    HVN is another what could’ve been man….

    he dropped for the first time in like a year and a half on friday, i was like damn this a name i haven’t heard in ages and immediately went on to spin marine and the whole first tape of his right after for the first time in a looooooong while, s*** was sooo good back then

    anyways, here’s the new song in case you or anyone here haven’t heard it yet

  • Dec 15, 2024

    what could’ve been….

  • Dec 15, 2024

    bro need to come back , he is too good