As Christmas comes in and our backlogs grow even f***ing bigger cause we can't stop buying games we're not gonna bother playing for a long time-- how many games you guys got that you still haven't finished?
I'm at a cool 17 games right now but the Winter Sale starting tomorrow is gonna f*** me up man
Between PC, switch & xbox i have 16 games i haven't started or beaten yet which is the smallest my backlogs been in years. I'm actually kinda happy because at one point it was starting to overwhelm me
where do i begin.......
I got a backlog of s*** I haven’t played from the PS2 era (like MGS 3 & FFX) which I have remasters for now
So yeah, a lot
Massive just massive
Hell I got games I bought last year on sale that I still haven't even opened up and I just bought like 4 games in the last week.
That's not even counting free games on epic or steam, and PS+, and game pass
Elden Ring in the backlog is crazy
Bought it and wanted to wait till I built my new PC to play it in ultrawide.
Now I got my new PC but I wanna finish a bunch of other games first cause I know I'm gonna easily put hundreds of hours in it
I'm in the process of playing:
Bloodborne (Need to do an entire playthrough to get 2 more trophies)
Nier Automata
Games I haven't started playing yet
Dark Souls Remastered, DS3, Sekiro
Bioshock Collection
RE2, RE7
AC Origins
Divinity OS2
Death Stranding
Doom, Doom Eternal
Deus Ex MD
Dishonored 1,2 + Prey
Vanquish, Bayonetta
Trying to save most of the bigger/better looking games for when I get a PS5. But I really don't play enough, my wrapped for the year said I played 160 hours and most of that was spent on Multiversus/Fortnite Having this many games kinda stresses me out, like I don't want to spend 1000s of hours on this s***
Went through my backlog and discovered 63 games i mean to play but havnt
Picked back up MW 2019 recently
God of War Ragnarok
Red Dead Redemption 2
Sonic Frontiers
i just want starfield man. don't game much anymore these days but plz just gimmie that game
I’ve bought quite a few games on sale that I haven’t touched yet. Infact, some s*** I copped on steam back as early as 2012 remains untouched. If we’re counting roms, I have surely over 100 games I gotta get to.
Only game I currently own that I have not started but will 100% play is sekiro
Otherwise maybe Nioh 2. HZD and fallout 4 but I prob won’t play those tbh
I was doing really well of taking care of my backlog this year, up until around June. I was gonna go through MGS 1-5, but I stopped at 2, because the Cuphead DLC came out, and then I kind of fluctuated through The Quarry and Dark Pictures with friends, eventually just devolving into just multiplayer stuff until Ragnarok. Then I just recently finished Elden Ring.
My plan now is starting with a replay of FF7R and then the Yuffie stuff which I never got around to last year. 2023 has a LOT of Final Fantasy stuff going on with XVI and the Pixel remasters, so I wanna make sure I get that out of the way while also trying to figure out when I’ll play Crisis Core
There’s other s*** I got like continuing MGS series, Yakuza Kiwami 2, SMT 3, Kingdom Hearts 2, Death Stranding…I just don’t know because next year is SO packed