This band never clicked for me but I just started self titled and this might be the time it finally does
These organs are so warm
I never knew she’s an organist. This explains the style of their music so much now
This band never clicked for me but I just started self titled and this might be the time it finally does
Self titled sets the stage for their entire career. Really cool to see how their toolbox grew while staying the same in a sense as well
Their sophomore Devotion is top 3 to me
Apple Orchard is like a song you’d play in one of those really heartfelt moments in a adult cartoon
Self titled sets the stage for their entire career. Really cool to see how their toolbox grew while staying the same in a sense as well
Their sophomore Devotion is top 3 to me
Definitely listening next
has anyone seen them live at a festival vs at an actual tour stop? debating on going to Primavera but I'm not sure if I want my first BH show to be a festival
I saw them at an actual tour stop. Crowd was kinda trash ngl, they were just there for space song and to take pics. Beach House themselves were great, tho she’s not the craziest vocalist live
Festival may ironically be a better crowd lmao
Definitely listening next
They go on a fire run of albums (they pretty much don’t miss for like 10 years straight) every album from ST through DC is great
Post your thoughts itt
I saw them at an actual tour stop. Crowd was kinda trash ngl, they were just there for space song and to take pics. Beach House themselves were great, tho she’s not the craziest vocalist live
Festival may ironically be a better crowd lmao
they mentioned last year that they are gonna do more intimate venues next time around because of this, that's why I'm on the fence.
Do i wait it out or not or just go to the both lol
They go on a fire run of albums (they pretty much don’t miss for like 10 years straight) every album from ST through DC is great
Post your thoughts itt
from ST to OTM*
they mentioned last year that they are gonna do more intimate venues next time around because of this, that's why I'm on the fence.
Do i wait it out or not or just go to the both lol
if you got it like that both
I think both versions of them live would be unique and fun. I was def glad I saw them in a normal venue just bc I had a good view
if you got it like that both
I think both versions of them live would be unique and fun. I was def glad I saw them in a normal venue just bc I had a good view
I may not got it like that
I think I'll just wait it out not gonna lie, hopefully they announce a tour soon
from ST to OTM*
Thank Your Lucky Stars I’m cool on. It’s prob my least fav BH album but it’s still good. It does kinda ruin their run of great albums to me
They picked back up with 7 which feels super underrated for some reason
I may not got it like that
I think I'll just wait it out not gonna lie, hopefully they announce a tour soon
Their album cycle is like 3-4 years so lowkey we’re due for album like next year
Thank Your Lucky Stars I’m cool on. It’s prob my least fav BH album but it’s still good. It does kinda ruin their run of great albums to me
They picked back up with 7 which feels super underrated for some reason
yeah I feel you on this, I felt like this for a loooong time.
Last year I was in Asia for 2 months and randomly spun it and it became my soundtrack over there so I love it now