Music you play at the beach.
I’ve been informed that there’s beaches on lakes too so don’t tell me you haven’t been to the beach b****.
I like to sip my Bud Rita, people watch and look at birds fly over and sandpipers scurry on the sand while I listen to:
This s*** so beach it’s crazy
It’s so bright out it’s hard to keep your eyes open. Sand is so light and bright. It’s kinda windy today. 10mph winds,hovering around 70°. Still a lot of people out but I think it’s just the snowbird crowd mainly. Still a lot of damage from the hurricane so I’m wondering how this spring break and summer are going to be like
classic beach music
! yeah
it's illegal to play music at the beach here
That’s crazy, but you can use your headphones
Music you play at the beach.
I’ve been informed that there’s beaches on lakes too so don’t tell me you haven’t been to the beach b****.
I like to sip my Bud Rita, people watch and look at birds fly over and sandpipers scurry on the sand while I listen to:
!!!!!! especially with the video is the ultimate beach vibe
Un verano sin ti