What's your guys' favorite episode?
Mine might be citizens arrest
first couple that come to mind are Another Friday Night and Buy Beer
What's your guys' favorite episode?
Mine might be citizens arrest
Choke is a classic lmao
first couple that come to mind are Another Friday Night and Buy Beer
you guys aren't drunk, you're just stupid
Now give me a king of the hill movie
swear i read news about a king of the hill revival 1 or 2 years ago with a slightly aged up bobby but idk if it was legit or went anywhere
edit: ktt2.com/king-of-the-hill-revival-32510535
sounds like it’s going good
Anyone seen this yet?
Getting a 96% on RT
Anyone seen this yet?
Getting a 96% on RT
I watched the first 15 earlier just to peep and it was solid
Yeah, I'm in this b**** with the Terror.