Much respect to you OP. It's a tough thing to stop. I'm struggling but I'm down to drinking once a week.
ill be sober then get bored with life and start drinking or smoking :/
I've been keeping myself busy with hobbies and friends that don't drink
Any particular reasons? What do you do at social events built around not being sober (eg parties)
I realized I felt like s*** after drinking. Not just hang overs but it was affecting my mental health and peace for days afterwards. I'm sure not everyone has this problem but it was a big one for me. Alcohol induced anxiety is real for some people.
I usually tell people I'm taking some medication or I'm driving so I can't drink or smoke. I've also made friends who don't drink and picked up hobbies
How'd you managed to cut it?
I had been drinking less for months before I decided to quit. one day I got really drunk with one of my friends and all my s*** got stolen.
I just decided at that point alcohol wasn't for me and I can't handle myself even drinking a little. I don't want to end up an addict like other people in my family because I need to be successful. I haven't drank since then
“Got a lot of alcoholics and d*** addicts in the family” yep 😓
Same for you? I can already tell I got an addictive kind of personality and I don't want drinking to become a habit. It's almost 2020 and there's a million other things to do besides drinking and d****. It's not our parents generation where there was nothing else to do.
Salute though, i don’t feel the need to go sober but i always love seeing people succeed at doing it
I’ll go through phases where I don’t drink for a month or two and then I’ll go through phases where I drink almost everyday. Everything in moderation I guess.
Did you have an alcohol problem?
I don't think so but it was starting to become a crutch and I would get in fights when drunk.
Coffee got too many health benefits to completely quit
coffee and water
nectar of the gods
Coffee got too many health benefits to completely quit
That s*** makes me all jittery idk how people can drink it daily.
Planning to be on this wave too next year, I have no self control when it comes to weed and it just enhances my social anxiety/makes me lazy. Still plan to take shrooms every few months-a year, might smoke or have an edible on those days but that's it. Don't have a problem with alcohol or anything else, I can put those down easily