Miss me with that IPA draft beer bullshit
Most are trash but very few are good, like I can count on one hand the amount of IPA's I like.
Usually they taste more on the citrus tropical side vs bitter and medicinal
lmaoooo i know i’m telling myself i gotta quit with the beer but i can’t stop, any other alcoholic drink doesn’t do it for me
Beer is too perfect, nothing tastes the same and the abv is insanely variable
But the carbs....
My brother just raved about the founder's Harvest Ale, claims it the best he had
I'll try it tomorrow
Kbs espresso > Og KBS or even CBS (2016 onward to be specific though)
Harvest ale is ok but mosaic promise is way better. I don't get the hype for harvest ale at all
Beer is too perfect, nothing tastes the same and the abv is insanely variable
But the carbs....
yep that’s exactly it.. crazy catch 22 lol
but it’s the only thing i enjoy drinking so i try limiting to one day on the weekend, even tho i know it’s still bad either way lol
Most are trash but very few are good, like I can count on one hand the amount of IPA's I like.
Usually they taste more on the citrus tropical side vs bitter and medicinal
exactly the ones i like. the citrus / fruity ones
most of my favs have extreme mango/orange/grapefruit notes
The harvest ale is easily a top 5 IPA of all time for me. Gonnna try the stout in an hour 👀
I've noticed for a min there's no beer thread and it's my favorite thing to consume. What's yalls favorite brews? Favorite regionals?
I live in Michigan and love some local but my boy has been heading south to pick up huge quantities of that XL Slushy beer from Indiana (450 north point) . S***s wild Ill post pics itt
What are yall sippin on this Friday?
Michigan ehh I live in Chicago and Drink Michigans dragons milk on the weekly
miller lite. bud light when i wanna feel like post malone.
I’m Miller gang too and I never wanna feel like Post
Michigan ehh I live in Chicago and Drink Michigans dragons milk on the weekly
Dragons milk so fire I had to cop this last time I was at the knickerbocker
Best taproom in GR imo
Ipas are good y'all some b****es.
Yeah fr if you don't like them let it be. Ipa slander is not tolerated itt
Dragons milk so fire I had to cop this last time I was at the knickerbocker
Best taproom in GR imo
Yo I need that hoodie so fire where you cop?
Dragons milk so fire I had to cop this last time I was at the knickerbocker
Best taproom in GR imo
Oh nvm I found bout to have a glass tonight
Miss me with that IPA draft beer bullshit
Draft beer is just the act of having the beer out of the tap
Disgusting beverage you should all be ashamed of yourselves
Beer slander not tolerated in the beer thread. please go to the liquor thread if that's your jam. No need to s*** on our preference
Oh it's Christmas eve? Yall already f***in know that means I'm rocking with barrel aged brews today
nah I’m drinking modelos on a good night and edge on a nasty night.
Used to drink so many edges but I can't do it anymore. I remember when they were like 10%