The people you’re a fan of likely have people that they themselves geek out over, even if they don’t do it in interviews, etc. It just comes with being a big fan of music, but it also doesn’t help that you’re alive in a time where all of the information that there is to know about a given famous person is in your pocket waiting for you any time you’re remotely bored.
It’s biggest evil it’s a huge waste of time with 0 benefits
You can decive yourself and say you use it as motivation or learning life experience but it’s all caustionary tales
Read a book or sum
I mean ur right but also just shows lack of self control and discipline because you can’t control yourself and what you view. Being a normal “fan” isn’t unhealthy unless you go overdrive.
And by overdrive yeah posting on a forum defending your favorite rapper, gossiping about xyz etc is overdrive tbh
feel like that solves a lot of problems, you cant ever meet up with em, you will never see em, its generally perceived as more refined to be a fan of 'the classics' and such, etc.
mark david chapman energy
well that was a horrifying little read
feel like that solves a lot of problems, you cant ever meet up with em, you will never see em, its generally perceived as more refined to be a fan of 'the classics' and such, etc.
A grown man being a fan of a man who had his breath taken away
link what you read idk specifics
A grown man being a fan of a man who had his breath taken away
guess you aint grown then
guess you aint grown then
worrying about the possible maturity of another man
Add this to that list of s*** men cant do
worrying about the possible maturity of another man
you should have paused two posts ago bud
i feel you to an extent. i don't mind admiring the works of people and learning more about them, their experiences and thought process behind their projects but that's as far as i'll go as a "fan"
thats you dude. 25yo homeschooled presbyterian, plants David chapman
thats you dude. 25yo homeschooled presbyterian, plants David chapman
i take it back
you should be ashamed of yourself
Yall gotta start having security in yall selves man lmao
Yall be so worried about maintaining an image its stopping u from enjoying things
I have no problem enjoying the output, it’s just specific moments that feel really bizarre.
the most recent was at a comedy club. I spend a lot of time listening to comedy podcasts, and this particular guy I’ve probably spent weeks+ worth of hours listening to. Just off the jokes and stories he tells, I know about his family, I know his interests, in some ways it’s like I know him. But before the show when he was sitting at the bar upstairs, I didn’t even want to make eye contact. I wouldn’t have had anything to say, even waving would have felt dumb.
and I know it’s s***tier to treat the guy like he doesn’t exist. It’s just a strange unbalanced relationship, idk what the etiquette is or anything.
just tell him u think hes funny and treat him like a normal person
It’s simply you becoming aware at how unimportant celebrity really is. It’s ok to appreciate people who have done something that resonates with you deeply. That’s a good idea thing. Just don’t mistake that for idol worship…you know….like the Kanye section
its not bizarre you are living a parasocial relationship
embarrassment is the correct emotion
I genuinely think this is what it is. to some extent I am in a parasocial relationship and in real life it creates cognitive dissonance
I don’t think ive done anything wrong tho, it just feels off