Seeing the United States destroy mine and my parents home country in a 40 year long string of crimes against humanity, only to be blown back by the likes of OP with indifference and meaningless pity is exactly why the US is experiencing the decay, the divide, the malice, and the downfall it sees today. And it deserves it.
You’d probably find a lot more compassion if you tried going into a thread about your country, or even perhaps making one about it
Just a novel suggestion
You’d probably find a lot more compassion if you tried going into a thread about your country, or even perhaps making one about it
Just a novel suggestion
For someone who cares so much for history you’ve shown none of the qualities of one actually well versed in it. Then again, you’re just a student in it
You’d probably find a lot more compassion if you tried going into a thread about your country, or even perhaps making one about it
Just a novel suggestion
no wonder you cant get your work done, you have f***ing brain rot
And it really wasn’t just the January 6th thing in particular, even something like the commodification of space travel
It only being in rich folks hands makes it less interesting, but people going into space and traveling being just another day. That’s fascinating to me
who tf cares about stem majors lol
This is why all our math and science degrees are going to non Americans
dude it was a threat to American democracy. The greatest most free country of all time. And they tried to take it away from us.
can't wait until 2024 so I can vote again
is this satire ?? ahahaha
no wonder you cant get your work done, you have f***ing brain rot
Good god you’re bad at this lol
You went through all those threads and couldn’t find a zinger better than this?
This is why all our math and science degrees are going to non Americans
No, it's because schools don't actually place emphasis on math and science and just water that s*** down so people pass.
I would know, I'm a STEM major.
do you have brain damage?
Just because I'm a STEM major doesn't mean I have to sit there and jerk off STEM like every stereotypical STEM major
For someone who cares so much for history you’ve shown none of the qualities of one actually well versed in it. Then again, you’re just a student in it
Okay??? You win man, whatever satisfaction you can glean from this meaningless back and forth have it
You’re free to talk about whatever history occurred in your country but to pretend as if you’re a silenced victim while demeaning my topic is laughable hypocrisy
Just because I'm a STEM major doesn't mean I have to sit there and jerk off STEM like every stereotypical STEM major
who was jerking off STEM?
again, do you have brain damage?
who was jerking off STEM?
again, do you have brain damage?
You seem deeply bothered by me saying who gives a f*** about STEM in a discussion that had nothing to do with STEM majors
But again, that's hilarious, because the stereotype of STEM majors trying to mention how they're STEM always proves itself
You seem deeply bothered by me saying who gives a f*** about STEM in a discussion that had nothing to do with STEM majors
But again, that's hilarious, because the stereotype of STEM majors trying to mention how they're STEM always proves itself
Gonna cry?
You seem deeply bothered by me saying who gives a f*** about STEM in a discussion that had nothing to do with STEM majors
But again, that's hilarious, because the stereotype of STEM majors trying to mention how they're STEM always proves itself
There’s no way you just tried to critique that guy for mentioning something not related to the thread topic Stupid as hell
I don’t get the American born apologists who want to make everything into “but America is doing this”
Make a separate thread about that s*** man
you're having a tantrum over me saying STEM is hard
why would i be angry that you are saying stem is hard
how does that impact my life lol
why would i be angry that you are saying stem is hard
how does that impact my life lol
Well you’ve spent 30 minutes in this thread trying to get a rise out of me, so I don’t think you’re above being a lame lol