Lol imagine thinking January 6th was anything of significance
Bunch of weenies trying to live out a hero fantasy they self envisioned their whole life
S***s not even ranked top 10 lmfao go on compare yourself to russia
Cause how they chose to measure "freedom" is stupid. Anyome can manipulate criteria to get the results they want.
They have been.
Tell them to hmu then
R u srs? They BEEN here bro and we even managed to reverse engineer their technology
Where tf are my dope ass alien instruments then
I’m trying to cook up
dude it was a threat to American democracy. The greatest most free country of all time. And they tried to take it away from us.
can't wait until 2024 so I can vote again
the corniest country of all time
Lol imagine thinking January 6th was anything of significance
White supremacy alert
Crazy in my South Park lolbertarian worldview where I think of recent history is just a progress into societal collapse due to one thing we may forgot.
That’s not my problem bro
this is why Americans can be annoying asl sometimes
I always loved history since elementary school. It made me realize at a young age that history really does repeat itself. Think of history as a cycle, or maybe even a spiral. We repeat similar events and instead of crashing into the timeline we do one slight change in the course of history, and skew the route of the spiral so that it allows the timeline to continue spiraling.
Now whether we are spiraling outwards or inwards well that's a whole other kinda discussion
History always been one of the lamest subjects. Be your own man and stop worrying about what other people did in other periods of time/places.
Who cares. Focus on the present and the future.
There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen
Why did this platitude get so many likes
you can think its significant without thinking its a tragedy
honestly ive never seen a single person refer to it using the word tragedy. but maybe ive just been successful in avoiding dumbass opinions on the internet/media
No one did that in here either lol
bunch of weirdos inserted their own narrative
if blm or antifa stormed the capital yall would be loving it lmao at least these goofs went after the right building.
if blm or antifa stormed the capital yall would be loving it lmao at least these goofs went after the right building.
You definitely voted for Donald
There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen
Not even being sarcastic
Anyone who tries to equate a movement founded around black equality to cocksuckers who’d beat down minorities or commit coups just so that fat s*** DJT could be re-elected should be beaten
it’s a compliment bro
He can largely avoid gerrymandering and open carry in supermarkets
"a student of history"
"what about any of the actions of the us globally"
"not my problem bro"
OP a f***ing bozo